What will all these hair transplants look like in 10yrs?


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Everyone is so quick to chastize hair transplants on younger patients who dont quite understand the progression of male pattern baldness and all the young patients who are dense packing their front third of their heads but doesnt this apply to all who had a hair transplant?

Think about it for a minute, hair might and will fall out around the hair transplant's in time, so is a hair transplant the answer? Maybe for the short term.

What about drugs? Yeah they block 80-98% of DHT but the hair does get old too like our joints. Then what? Dont hold your breathe for HM b/c if you do you are up for a rude awakening. It's only a pipe dream now.

So how does this make you feel about a hair transplant now?

Please share your thoughts.



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I was serious about a hair transplant but my hairloss is quite rapid so I have gone on the big 3 to try to find stability before I book in.

If you have your hair stable then hair transplant is a sensible decision.

The hair transplant Doctor siad he preferred anyone having an hair transplant with him was already on finasteride and for as long as possible before hair transplant.

Regarding HM Intercytex is not far off now and there are others coming up in the wings...2008-9 we should see the first HM's coming out...how good it will be in the early months years remains to be seen. It will happen and we should all keep optomistic about this, I see no point in being negative as its still a relative unknown anyway


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Nick4441 said:
I was serious about a hair transplant but my hairloss is quite rapid so I have gone on the big 3 to try to find stability before I book in.

If you have your hair stable then hair transplant is a sensible decision.

The hair transplant Doctor siad he preferred anyone having an hair transplant with him was already on finasteride and for as long as possible before hair transplant.

Regarding HM Intercytex is not far off now and there are others coming up in the wings...2008-9 we should see the first HM's coming out...how good it will be in the early months years remains to be seen. It will happen and we should all keep optomistic about this, I see no point in being negative as its still a relative unknown anyway

First off dont confuse being pragmatic with negative.
If you think HM will be here in 2 yrs then you are reading too many forum threads that have no proof. It's all hype. They are not even close. Also it has to get FDA approved and if you think I am being negative you are dead on wrong.


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Yeah I'm not holding my breathe for HM either. Its going to drag on and on like it has been doing for years.

Far Too Young

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Yeah, you can find webMD threads from three years ago. Nothing's been said since. Not a single actual report of success in a human patient. You're telling me that Intercytex, primarily funded by private investment, wouldn't release that sort of news in a heartbeat? We'd know about it in a hot damned minute.


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It depends on what you consider as a succesful solution. I do hold my breath for HM, i also do for some advance in the body hair transplant techniques. Yes the hair do go old, but if you tell me i am going to be bald at 50 and maintain good hair up to 40-45, that is a fair deal with me. I dont say life ends there or that i am not going to be bothered then, but hair count a LOT less at 50 than it does at 30!

For me the only problem with hair transplants at the moment is the limited donor supply. If HM was out by now i would go and fill all this damn gaps i can see in my head and take my mind off hair loss for like ten years. I wish i could do that. I wish i will be able to, in 3-4 years.


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Ok so the consenus is that HM is not a definite but the original thread content was what will these hair transplants look like in 10 yrs? What will these aggressive hair transplant look like in 10 yrs?

Will drugs lose their efficacy over time and the protected donor and exisiting hair will fall victim to miniaturization and eventual loss too?


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Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Its best not to stress about it until it happens.