What type of hair loss do I have?


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Hi guys I want to share my story because I have no idea what kind of hair loss I have. Ok so I had a man bun from mid august 2015 to november 23 2015. I would wear it tight 5 days a week. I deceided to cut it off because my dad started to notice I was losing hair then I went online and found out that having a man bun or wearing a hairstyle too tight leads to traction alopecia. So right away I cut my hair short and I noticed I had diffused thinng on the top part of my scalp. But I read traction alopecia affects the temple and hairline. My hairline and temples are fine so it cant be traction alopecia. None of my hair that I had before the man bun has returned. I use to have a thick head of hair and im only 21. So then I thought I had telogen effluvium because I went through a streasful event in the summer that affected my life. But I read that as soon as the hair sheds a new hair grows back and it has been 4 months since I cut my man bun off and I have yet to see any new hairs grow. So now I dont know what kind of hair loss I have and I would like to know what you guys think I have. I just want my hair to fill in at the top and front part of my scalp. Thanks.

Agustin Araujo

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It's best to go see a specialist, preferably a hair transplant doctor, and get checked for androgenic baldness. If that's the case, you'll need to get on Finasteride. If not the case and it's traction alopecia, then you'll need to stop wearing a man bun so your hair won't keep getting pulled on.

Agustin Araujo

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Ok I dont have that, but what about my telogen effluvium theory, is there a chance I have that?

It's hard to say especially that no pictures of your hair have been provided. As I previously suggested, it's best to see a specialist since they're professionally qualified.


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Its easiest to post a picture of what your hair looks like for us to give a better judgement.


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As you said you're thinning. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's male pattern baldness. I suggest go see a dermatologist
Male pattern baldness in some cases can leave your hairline intact and instead attack your scalp.
Your father bald or balding? How bad?


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He still has his hair but hes got a bald spot at the crown. But I still dont understand how the man bun gave me male pattern baldness


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It didn't. Either way I agree with the others looks like male pattern baldness. You probably want to seek finasteride/minoxidil.


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But I had a full head of hair that was thick as hell. The man bun really screwed things up for me. Can you explain finasteride to me?


My Regimen
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That looks like balding, unfortunately. You'll need to get on Propecia if you truly have have been inflicted with Male Pattern Baldness.

your hair loss is similar to mine, however, mine is a bit more diffused. I have had definitive Telogen Effluvium three times. I will go on a limb here and say it COULD be Telogen Effluvium, but solely based on these photos I don't think it is. If you've had THAT much loss in the mid scalp due to Telogen Effluvium, you would notice some diffuse thinning elsewhere, and it looks extremely thick every where else. You also have a classic male pattern baldness pattern. Telogen Effluvium, or not, it's apparent to me that you are experiencing male pattern baldness and should consider treatment if you don't want it to progress. Go see a GOOD dermatologist, perhaps one that specializes in hair if you can. Do A LOT of research about Androgenetic Alopecia and the current treatments, finasteride and minoxidil and present these to your doctor. Also, bring up the possibility of Telogen Effluvium.


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Thanks I plan on going to see one soon. I was going to wait a month because I thought I had Telogen Effluvium but now its looking like I have male pattern baldness which sucks. Would I be able to get a transplat instead of using finasteride(i dont anything about it) or rogaine?


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That is strange, that's it's on the vertex, a part of your scalp that probably wouldn't be pulled with the bun. However,
you should have that checked. Some men do have androgen baldness starting at the vertex. Don't waste time on
finasteride if you don't have androgen related baldness.

Minoxidil also might help as well. If it's androgen related, use finasteride and Minoxidil, it will definitely go away.

Also, if it's androgen related, you can probably grow it all back. The vertex is the best spot to regrow hair, and
many men your age grew their hair back. If that's androgen related, it will be very easy for you to grow it back.
Especially since it just started falling out within a year.

Ok so if its androgen would it grow back naturally (if so how long would you think) or do I have to use some product like minioxidil?


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It´s probably the start of male pattern baldness

Even so, since you caught on really early getting on treatment (doesn´t have to be to extreme) can save and almost surely regrow most of the hair in that area so you don´t really have to worry that much. Also, short lenght and mid-short length are the best for preventing hair loss.