what triggers a males first hair loss? typically early twenty's


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so here i was a typical teen-age guy with a nice thick head of hair and a normal hair line, then i hit 20 years old and a few months later, BAM! i got my first ever shed and it was crazy, lookin in the shower and seeing like 50 hairs on the floor, running my hand thru my hair and finding like 9 hairs on my hand, looking at my pillow and seeing like 12 hairs laying there.

what causes our first shedding, why is it thru our teen age years most of us are fine, then as we get older something happens, does our body just suddenly produce a bunch of DHT or what? what causes the switch to flick

also what functions do DHT play


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My Regimen
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DHT levels which rise after puberty attack/cause the hair to miniaturize. There are receptors on the follicles for these androgens, and the greater the receptors or their sensitivity the more prone you are to male pattern baldness. It doesn't really matter why it happens in a certain way or why some people get it sooner than others.

The only way to stop male pattern baldness is by taking something that will either plug up the androgen receptors so DHT can't touch them, or remove most DHT from the blood so there is nothing there for the receptors to fill up with


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DHT = androgenic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia)
No DHT = no Androgenetic Alopecia

It's as simple as that. All men are affected by it to varying degrees. On one end of the spectrum you have the 20 year old who is already slick bald NW7, and on the other you have the guy in his 30's or 40's who has only receded a bit at the temples. Where you fall on the curve just comes down to your genetics. But it's all Androgenetic Alopecia and all from the same case (DHT killing follicles).

Compared to how utterly difficult it is to regrow hair and how much research is still being done before a cure is found, it's actually hilariously easy to prevent Androgenetic Alopecia from happening in the first place. You just stop androgens from hitting the follicles. That's it. Done. You get to keep your full teenage density and hairline. This is what finasteride does but you can't give that to younger guys. Why the hell there hasn't been any effective topical anti-androgen up to this point is beyond me. I would have just started taking it as a teenager and not have to deal with all this garbage later on. What's worse is that CB will be out in a few years, so I feel like I just missed the boat.