What to do, what to do


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I am a 22 year old male with the very first signs of hair loss (the characteristic 'M' at the forehead). I've done some research on this site to figure out what regimen best works for me but have gotten somewhat confused. I want to do a Procepia (DHT inhibitor) and Rogaine (Growth stimulant) regimen with Nozoral shampoo and maybe some Aloe or Emu oil to reduce irritation if there is any. Revivogen offers DHT inhibitors and growth stimulants in one which almost seems easier but I am unsure of the all in one product and how well it will work. I'm basically unsure of what first steps I should take in preventing male pattern baldness. I'm noticing more hair from the hairline falling out so it is very important to me that I have some growth in the front as well as the crown (which is fine so far). I also need to keep my regimen discreet from others (as in applying or even getting it mailed to my home discreetly). I am not very well informed on this subject and would like to nip this problem in the bud (so then I can work on getting a bigger penis, haha). Thanks for taking the time to read about my problem and any help would be greatly appriciated.

Cal Evans


post some pics if you can.

propecia/nizoral/rogaine is standard as you prob know, the big 3. but pics would really help at looking at your situation. comb your hair back against your head if you can, when the hair is wet, then take some wet and dry pics of your problem areas.


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when the hair is wet, then take some wet pics

Oh and brace yourself. The first time I took any pics like that, I felt like running into traffic. But it's not so bad now. Just the initial shock.