What to do now?


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I started Propecia at the end of September last year.

Evidence from photo's I've taken suggest that I've thinned alot more since then.

I don't know what to do, I feel miserable about it, and I really do hope that I still have a chance of Propecia working for me, but I want to get real about it.

Is there a chance, still, that it will work for me? Or is it pretty much certain that I will reap no benefits from Finasteride?


You have a very good chance that Propecia is still working for you. 4 months isn´t very much when it comes to hairloss treatment. I am seven months into treatment but my hair is still getting worse. I hope that I am just a late responder.


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Can you link me to a thread showing your hair? How do you stay so optimistic? I'm becoming more and more depressed as the days go by.

I think male pattern baldness is proof that God does not love me. In all fairness, I think God doesn't like me in the slightest.


Well, here are my pics:

Scroll down a bit and see how much worse my crown got since last summer. It is very painful to see these pictures.....

And I wouldn´t call myself optimistic. I often feel suicidal because of my hair. But at least I know that finasteride isn´t my last hope since there is still dutasteride or minoxidil left. Hope this helps a bit......

I often think that god made a sick joke when he created me. I have such a fucked up gene pole. I sometimes think that I should be locked in prison or killed in order to make sure I wouldn´t breed...... :cry:

Sry, I forgot:
http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... 8&start=40


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that's really sad hearing you guys say that. As a Christian, i think it's terrible that some people actually think that God doesn't love them or made them as a sick joke... If any of you want to get into this topic, PM me and we can have a serious debate about it but posting this kind of stuff breaks mine and many other people's hearts!


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Taugenichts said:
I often think that god made a sick joke when he created me. I have such a fucked up gene pole. I sometimes think that I should be locked in prison or killed in order to make sure I wouldn´t breed...... :cry:



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Is that Finpecia you're on genuine? If you aren't seeing results, maybe it's because you aren't on a genuine drug. That's always been my worry with generics and Internet pharmacies.

As for feelings of suicide, well, I know that hair loss is depressing but you've got to put it into context. Hair isn't going to be a critical factor for success in your personal or professional life. And there are probably loads of other things you've got going for you. Just try to be positive!


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Taugenichts said:
Well, here are my pics:
I often think that god made a sick joke when he created me. I have such a fucked up gene pole. I sometimes think that I should be locked in prison or killed in order to make sure I wouldn´t breed...... :cry:

Maybe that's why you haven't responded? hmm


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person_123 said:
I think male pattern baldness is proof that God does not love me. In all fairness, I think God doesn't like me in the slightest.

If male pattern baldness is the worst thing that ever happens to you consider your life truly blessed.


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Okay, well I'll bring the topic back on topic.

Do I truly have a hope for staying on finasteride? It seems most people are saying I do, which is good news. But I have been on it for 5 months. How long should I stay on it before I conceed? 1 year? 2 years?

I'll keep taking pictures every few months for the moment and self-monitor my progress.


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Taug, I looked at your thread. My temples are probably a bit worse than yours, and I'd say my crown is either the same or worse than yours.


MPBWarrior said:
that's really sad hearing you guys say that. As a Christian, i think it's terrible that some people actually think that God doesn't love them or made them as a sick joke... If any of you want to get into this topic, PM me and we can have a serious debate about it but posting this kind of stuff breaks mine and many other people's hearts!

I am sorry MPBWarrior. My intention was not to hurt anyone´s feeling. I just had a very bad day (not only hair related) and was whining a little bit too much. I am definetly not a sick joke, I think I have many advantages over other people yet don´t manage to use them. I am a loser who has only himself to blame.


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person_123 said:
Okay, well I'll bring the topic back on topic.

Do I truly have a hope for staying on finasteride? It seems most people are saying I do, which is good news. But I have been on it for 5 months. How long should I stay on it before I conceed? 1 year? 2 years?

I'll keep taking pictures every few months for the moment and self-monitor my progress.

It may be working much more than you think. You need to give it more time. You have been on it long enough that visible results could be coming at any time.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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Hey Person, have you seen Rob x 22's success story? I would give the finasteride much longer before assuming it's doing nothing, at least up to a year.


bubka said:
person_123 said:
I think male pattern baldness is proof that God does not love me. In all fairness, I think God doesn't like me in the slightest.
people still believe in god?

My hair has never looked better since I switched my allegiance to Satan.


bubka said:
praise satan, you know you never see a devil worshiper above a Norwood 1.5, that statistics are amazing

i think i'm gong to become a cop as well to get back to NW1. Want to join me in that endeavor?


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Hahaha, you two are idiots. I mean that in a nice way. It's funny when you two post about stuff like this.

Why are cops NW1 though? I've seen plenty a bald copper. Just watch that show COPS.

I reckon to truly have a NW1 you must be a firefighter, those guys all seem to have their hair even though it usually gets burnt to f***.