What To Ask The Derm About Balding At 17?


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Shedding. Texture of hair started changing at 16. I see derm on Monday but he isn't the one originally wanted to see. The guy that I wanted to see that is also hair transplant/dermatologist said he doesn't see you for hairloss unless you're 18 parent or no.

Anyway, what should I ask to see if he knows hairloss. Not sure if he uses scope or anything. Ask about Rogaine or Propecia? Ask what Norwood? (And what Norwood would any of you guys say I am a Norwood 2 or worse?

Nervous to be honest. I know I am losing hair but I guess once I get the diagnosis it will make it real and I habe to deal with being a balding teenager...
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What is your families history of hairloss?


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@recedingornot87. Bad hair genes. Dad is 51 and shaves head because Norwood 5 ((not sure but think started in his 30s). My mother has female pattern baldness since 40s!! My maternal uncle just started to recede at 44.