What Shampoo should I use? QUICK!! PLEASE!! Thinning hair


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Hey, I'm 24 white male. in the USA - Please Reply ASAP! I need the Best Shampoo asap, I do not want to continue using the one I have any longer!!!

Please let me know the BEST! Shampoo I should use.
And should I even use conditioner?
*Also, should I even wash my hair every day?

I'm 24 years old, seems to me like I'm experiencing thinning hair in the front/center all down the middle/top. I keep my hair long enough not to notice, but now it's more noticeable.

ALSO! I was using Pantine Pro-V for years! And only shampoo! I'm 24, haven't used conditioner since age 15. At the barbershop, my barber talked me into buying their brand shampoo & recommended I use conditioner too.

To me, it seems like that Shampoo &/or conditioner is making my hair fall out even more than usual.

Before, I would wash my hair & not really notice too many strands of hair in my hand. This one, I thought it was just me for a while.. But early this morning in the shower, I sorta tried something out. I wet my hair, Ran my fingers through my hair to see if any hair stuck to my hands, and I seen like 2 little pieces.

Then I used the shampoo & ran my fingers though my hair & noticed like at least 10-15 pieces of hair or something, maybe I'm exaggerating. I noticed even one of them had the little piece of follicle still attached. And the same for conditioner, not as much, but some..

I just decided SCREW THAT! No more of that shampoo brand!
I liked it too.. the conditioner makes my hair look nice.

Anyway, And that lady said Pantine pro-v is bad for my hair, has too many chemicals. And this one, comparing the ingredients, it looked like a better choice too.

Can someone please help me!? Please let me know which one is "THE BEST"
And if I should use conditioner, which one is the best. And maybe where can I get it?

Are there any good/safe remedies I can do?
Like Foods I can eat? Things I can do?

Can anyone be kind enough to let me know, or point me in the right direction?

thank you all so much!
Also, I'm always soo busy, I tried surfing this website, but I have to get to bed & wake up early for work. I work a lot. thank you!


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Nizoral (1% or 2%) is usually recommended. there are also other shampoos that contain Ketoconazole as well such as Regenepure Dr and others. Keto is the main ingredient that helps.