What percentage of people get facial swelling on minoxidil?


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I am on Propecia and I want to begin using Rogaine foam but am afraid of my face swelling up. I have also heard it can cause dark circles. I know I can discontinue if this occurs but I would not regrow the hair I shed during that time. I like how secure my hair seems with Propecia, I have been able to maintain pretty well and don't want to disrupt that but also wouldn't mind moving my hairline up a bit. Thoughts?


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Everyone is different... no swelling for me.


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I get puffy eyes, but I think the main cause is my irregular sleeping pattern.

I suspected minoxidil had a part to play in it, but I can’t be sure. I reduced my daily minoxidil dosage but there haven’t been any changes in my eyes yet.


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I experienced swelling with rogaine several years ago, but I think I was putting too much of it on. I use minoxidil now but I make sure to take a couple days off every now and then and I feel no ill reaction at all.


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i think ive gotn swelling, damn my face has gotn fat or swollen..
But i have been using alot of rogain on the whole top area.
Been thinking of taking a breake 2 se if i go back to normal fast.
Anyone know how long it usaly take for the swelling to go down ?