What percent of men are gay and women lesbians?


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I have to agree with you that the gay stereotype doesn't exist. Most of the gay guys I've met are not camp/soft/poof or whatever you want to call it. For example, my gay housemate doesn't fit the gay stereotype at all, if anything I'm closer to metrosexuality than he is.

However, no one can convince me that, in average, gay men do not have much more sex than straight men. Imagine a scenario where a man goes to a bar or a party hoping to get laid, we've all been there. Our chances of getting laid are somehow limited with the willingness of the opposite sex, however gay men do not have the same limitation. Men in general are more open than women to have sex with different people, and that's a very big advantage for gay men.

The only limitation for gay men is their smaller number, but with the internet and dating sites that's not as big a problem as it used to be. I know my housemate gets asked for dates a lot.

Of course there are gay men that would prefer a stable monogamous relationship, I don't dispute that. What I'm saying is that, statistically, the average gay man has more sexual partners than the average straight man. I seriously do think it's much easier to get laid for a gay man.


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You have to be kidding me. Every straight bar or club I go to is literally packed full of women who have spent hundreds of dollars on outfits that scream 'f*** me!' Is it really that hard to have hetero sex?


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JayBear said:
You have to be kidding me. Every straight bar or club I go to is literally packed full of women who have spent hundreds of dollars on outfits that scream 'f*ck me!' Is it really that hard to have hetero sex?

Ask the guys in this forum to see how many of them got laid in the last 12 months, and how many times...

I'll start if you want... I got laid once in the last 12 months...


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Twice, but i thought it was going to be just the once, but last weekend was grand, and i'm repeating the experience next weekend! Yay for me :punk:

I've never been to a gay bar/club, i want to as i know loads of women go there, i'm just scared of bumping into someone i know and then a rumour gets out that i'm a big queen, bound to happen, like Vito in the Sopranos, only that he was gay.

I would have said that gay men can get laid easier, but who knows :dunno:


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Petchsky said:
Twice, but i thought it was going to be just the once, but last weekend was grand, and i'm repeating the experience next weekend! Yay for me :punk:

I've never been to a gay bar/club, i want to as i know loads of women go there, i'm just scared of bumping into someone i know and then a rumour gets out that i'm a big queen, bound to happen, like Vito in the Sopranos, only that he was gay.

I would have said that gay men can get laid easier, but who knows :dunno:

Someone is happy :hump:

I have about 4-5 months to make it twice in 12 months :whistle:. I'm taking it easy, you can't push these things. I've been close a few times, but didn't happen. I have couple female friends that keep telling me I should get laid, I'm not sure if they are giving me a hint or just being friendly. Both of them are in "short-term" relationship, so who knows :dunno:

Manchester Gay Village is a nice place to visit, I used to live literally next door to gay village when I was at uni. I've also been to one gay bar in London. It was a fun night... I'm trying to convince my gay housemate that we should go to a gay bar one night, but he's not into bars.


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Male gay people have more sex but I don't want their kind of sex! LOL :freaked:


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JayBear said:
You have to be kidding me. Every straight bar or club I go to is literally packed full of women who have spent hundreds of dollars on outfits that scream 'f*ck me!' Is it really that hard to have hetero sex?

AHHAAH yes! and I love them! Yummy!


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ali777 said:
Petchsky said:
Twice, but i thought it was going to be just the once, but last weekend was grand, and i'm repeating the experience next weekend! Yay for me :punk:

I've never been to a gay bar/club, i want to as i know loads of women go there, i'm just scared of bumping into someone i know and then a rumour gets out that i'm a big queen, bound to happen, like Vito in the Sopranos, only that he was gay.

I would have said that gay men can get laid easier, but who knows :dunno:

Someone is happy :hump:

I have about 4-5 months to make it twice in 12 months :whistle:. I'm taking it easy, you can't push these things. I've been close a few times, but didn't happen. I have couple female friends that keep telling me I should get laid, I'm not sure if they are giving me a hint or just being friendly. Both of them are in "short-term" relationship, so who knows :dunno:

Manchester Gay Village is a nice place to visit, I used to live literally next door to gay village when I was at uni. I've also been to one gay bar in London. It was a fun night... I'm trying to convince my gay housemate that we should go to a gay bar one night, but he's not into bars.

Oh yes, i was just waiting for any opportunity to brag as well :woot:

Sounds like you will have plenty of chances to get another notch on your bed post, but sometimes, maybe your like me, a women can offer herself on a plate, but turn down the opportunity...i like women to be coy

I've heard Manchester has a big gay scene...it would be interesting to go to a gay bar with someone who is actually gay, i wonder if they play the tune 'gay bar' in gay bars, mmmm
