What Path Should I Take? Please Help Me


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Hi everyone,

I'm from Brazil, i have 25 years old and I started losing my hair at the age of 18, it was always a concern for me to get bald cause I have a big issue with my forehead and I think I'm creepy without hair. I'm almost a year treating with minoxidil and intradermotherapy, but my hair didn't stop falling at all. I got depressed, self conscious, and I can't see a light in the end of the tunel if my situation continue like this... Then I started whatching videos of hair system and hair transplant on youtube and I felt a spark of hope. I would like you guys to take a look at my pictures and help my decision to whats is better in my case

Here is a type of hair system that I would like to use :

starts at 3:06
my pictures:


I have some pictures of me today and at 2012 (20 years old) for you to see how i would like my hair to be.


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Welcome to the forum. You have very typical male pattern baldness - recession at the front and thinning at the crown, which will eventually meet to create a single bald area, leaving you with the classic horseshoe fringe of hair. Luckily your sidehair and in particular your temple points are still looking strong, which is good if you are thinking of a hair system.

You would be a good candidate for a hair system, and the styles in your younger photos would all be easy to recreate with a system. You should act soon though, if you want to make the transition without it being too noticeable.

The hair system that the guy in the video is holding is just a frontal piece, matching the customer's recession at the front. That would not be appropriate for you - you need a piece which covers the whole top of your head, not just the front. The system in the video appears to have some kind of plastic base. Again, I would question whether that is the best material for you if you live somewhere hot and humid. Lace might be better.

If you want to give systems a try, the first thing you need to do is create a template of the area you need to cover. There are various videos online showing you how to do that. Here is one to get you started:

All the best, and keep asking for any information or help you need.



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Welcome to the forum. You have very typical male pattern baldness - recession at the front and thinning at the crown, which will eventually meet to create a single bald area, leaving you with the classic horseshoe fringe of hair. Luckily your sidehair and in particular your temple points are still looking strong, which is good if you are thinking of a hair system.

You would be a good candidate for a hair system, and the styles in your younger photos would all be easy to recreate with a system. You should act soon though, if you want to make the transition without it being too noticeable.

The hair system that the guy in the video is holding is just a frontal piece, matching the customer's recession at the front. That would not be appropriate for you - you need a piece which covers the whole top of your head, not just the front. The system in the video appears to have some kind of plastic base. Again, I would question whether that is the best material for you if you live somewhere hot and humid. Lace might be better.


Noah, Thanks for your attention! The guy at the video puts on a full top hairpiec at 3:06. The beginning of the video is him complaining about a previous hair piece that he put on at the town he lives.

I'm gonna do the template myself and start looking at the other posts.

What do you wirh about implant in my case?