What Norwood Am I? Should I Get On Finasteride?


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Hello everyone. A while ago my girlfriend was combing my hair back and told me that my hairline was uneven. I had never thought about this as I have always been blessed with thick, fast growing hair, and a hairstyle that cover my temples pretty much completely. Also there is not really any extensive history of male pattern baldness in my family history that I know of, the worst being two uncles on my mothers side that are probably NW4s, but they are both in their late 40s/early fifties. Father has a perfect hairline at almost 60.

Ever since I heard that I have been feeling very anxious about my hair, with a knot in my stomach from the moment I wake up all the way I go to sleep. I have been thinking about going to a dermatologist for a propecia/finasteride prescription to try and maintain what I have. I think I am about a NW2? Would this be a good idea at this point? Or should i just wait and keep an eye on it?
Very thankful for any help.


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-Go see a reputable dermatologist who has experience with hair loss.
-Yes, get on finasteride if you want to maintain. I wouldn't worry about your family history so much as you don't know how your hand is going to play out.

How old are you, if I may ask?


My Regimen
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-Go see a reputable dermatologist who has experience with hair loss.
-Yes, get on finasteride if you want to maintain. I wouldn't worry about your family history so much as you don't know how your hand is going to play out.

How old are you, if I may ask?
Just turned 21.

Ninja Turtle

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Hello everyone. A while ago my girlfriend was combing my hair back and told me that my hairline was uneven. I had never thought about this as I have always been blessed with thick, fast growing hair, and a hairstyle that cover my temples pretty much completely. Also there is not really any extensive history of male pattern baldness in my family history that I know of, the worst being two uncles on my mothers side that are probably NW4s, but they are both in their late 40s/early fifties. Father has a perfect hairline at almost 60.

Ever since I heard that I have been feeling very anxious about my hair, with a knot in my stomach from the moment I wake up all the way I go to sleep. I have been thinking about going to a dermatologist for a propecia/finasteride prescription to try and maintain what I have. I think I am about a NW2? Would this be a good idea at this point? Or should i just wait and keep an eye on it?
Very thankful for any help.
Hop on finasteride now. Definite NW2.


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Hmm some mixed answers here...guess i should just hit up a dermatologist...just worried i’m gonna get referred to a bad dermatologist and not get any answers

Red October

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Hmm some mixed answers here...guess i should just hit up a dermatologist...just worried i’m gonna get referred to a bad dermatologist and not get any answers
Since you're quite young I wouldn't do anything hasty. You've taken some pics and there may be some recession. Hard to tell. I would monitor it for a few months. Check it in three months. Take pics and see if there's any difference. Post on here if you want objective view. Finasteride is for life. You have a good head of hair and no reason to panic. I know it's awful to think about losing your hair. Take comfort in the fact your hair looks fine now and that many people experience recession of some kind. Very few are lucky to go without some recession. Just keep monitoring it. Please don't obsess about it. You have good hair and you can take action by using finasteride if you notice deterioration before it significantly worsens.

Edit: Also, it can take years for recession to become noticeable so don't feel like it's gonna go overnight.


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Since you're quite young I wouldn't do anything hasty. You've taken some pics and there may be some recession. Hard to tell. I would monitor it for a few months. Check it in three months. Take pics and see if there's any difference. Post on here if you want objective view. Finasteride is for life. You have a good head of hair and no reason to panic. I know it's awful to think about losing your hair. Take comfort in the fact your hair looks fine now and that many people experience recession of some kind. Very few are lucky to go without some recession. Just keep monitoring it. Please don't obsess about it. You have good hair and you can take action by using finasteride if you notice deterioration before it significantly worsens.

Edit: Also, it can take years for recession to become noticeable so don't feel like it's gonna go overnight.

Okay I will not do anything drastic then. Maybe go to a derm anyway to have it looked at. It’s just such a f*****g scare. I think i’ve been browsing this forum and others like 24/7 this week, constantly looking in the mirror, looking at other people’s hair, obsessing. Never been so anxious in my life about anything, and I shouldn’t be, it’s hard not being superficial though.

Red October

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Okay I will not do anything drastic then. Maybe go to a derm anyway to have it looked at. It’s just such a f*****g scare. I think i’ve been browsing this forum and others like 24/7 this week, constantly looking in the mirror, looking at other people’s hair, obsessing. Never been so anxious in my life about anything, and I shouldn’t be, it’s hard not being superficial though.
Yeah. Totally understand. It's an awful discovery. I first noticed when I was about 27/8. It's not helped by people patronising you either. I went to a hair clinic in Dublin and they started saying "your hair looks good, you've nothing to worry about". I spent 500 getting treatments from them which did nothing. They just massaged your head and used laser comb I think. So I know what you're talking about.

Think of it this way: a huge percentage of men suffer from hairloss. You're aware of it and you will take action when and if necessary. This forum and others like it are a great resource because you can hear from people who've gone through different treatments. The tried and trusted are finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral/ketoconazole. You probably know that. Outside of that people add other bits and bobs like nourishing shampoos and vitamins. I would say just keep monitoring it. As I say if you notice it worsening in three months, post your pics and get a second opinion. Hairloss is very hard to be objective about. Because we look at ourselves every day in the mirror we don't notice the change. Then we see a photo and we're shocked or worse, someone says something to us. Also, we can delude ourselves either that it's horrifically bad or that it's fine. So it's good to get another viewpoint. People on here know what you're talking about so can give an informed opinion.

If it is worsening then, jump on finasteride. It should keep what you've got.


My Regimen
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Yeah. Totally understand. It's an awful discovery. I first noticed when I was about 27/8. It's not helped by people patronising you either. I went to a hair clinic in Dublin and they started saying "your hair looks good, you've nothing to worry about". I spent 500 getting treatments from them which did nothing. They just massaged your head and used laser comb I think. So I know what you're talking about.

Think of it this way: a huge percentage of men suffer from hairloss. You're aware of it and you will take action when and if necessary. This forum and others like it are a great resource because you can hear from people who've gone through different treatments. The tried and trusted are finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral/ketoconazole. You probably know that. Outside of that people add other bits and bobs like nourishing shampoos and vitamins. I would say just keep monitoring it. As I say if you notice it worsening in three months, post your pics and get a second opinion. Hairloss is very hard to be objective about. Because we look at ourselves every day in the mirror we don't notice the change. Then we see a photo and we're shocked or worse, someone says something to us. Also, we can delude ourselves either that it's horrifically bad or that it's fine. So it's good to get another viewpoint. People on here know what you're talking about so can give an informed opinion.

If it is worsening then, jump on finasteride. It should keep what you've got.

Thanks man. This was a big help. I’ll keep monitoring it then, any further recession i’ll hop on finasteride right away. Glad i caught this sh*t rather early...


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I think I am about a NW2?

Possibly, but you have a naturally high forehead too. As the other guy said above, at least you’re aware of the situation and you can monitor it and act accordingly. You’re a good looking guy with a girlfriend and you still have great hair, so try not to fret too much.

You could look into using Regenepure shampoos/conditioner initially.


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Har hört om att många får finasteride utskrift via KRY-appen. Annars kan du beställa online som jag =)


Established Member
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Hair is still thicc. I won't suggest finasteride yet, but it's your call. Try small doses


My Regimen
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Har hört om att många får finasteride utskrift via KRY-appen. Annars kan du beställa online som jag =)

Kry läkaren sa att jag skulle ha på mig ett härnät och gå runt i 24h med det och att jag skulle raka mina vikar och se hur lång tid det tog för dem att växa tillbaka eller något...total tomte eller?


My Regimen
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Kry läkaren sa att jag skulle ha på mig ett härnät och gå runt i 24h med det och att jag skulle raka mina vikar och se hur lång tid det tog för dem att växa tillbaka eller något...total tomte eller?
Skulle sen ta av hårnätet och räkna antalet hårstrån...