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This is my first post to here, and I would like to ask a question. I have looked through the FAQ section and did not see an answer, but if I missed it please excuse me asking again.

I have been taking Finasteride (half a 5mg pill daily) since last November and have been very pleased with the results to far (Link to pictures at bottom). However, recently the new hair that has grown back seems to have stopped growing. There does not appear to have been any growth for about a month now, though the hairs are strong and gently tugging does not pull them out.

Is this a normal thing to expect and will the haris continue to grow in a while, or should I consider something different like Dutasteride or Rogaine?

Here are some pictures from last November and some more recent ones taken this year and more recently.

Kind Regards,


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I dont have an answer for your question, but I wouldnt worry too much. If the hairs are still dark and dont fall out easily ur in good shape. I wouldnt take dutasteride unless ur sure propecia aint working anymore cause it has a very high risk of side effects I believe. Buy yah like I said I wouldnt worry and would just stay on Propecia, but maybe add minoxidil if u want even more growth, minoxidil is pretty damn good if it works for u, it has really good regrowth properties. But I gotta say, DAMN, that is some good growth just off propecia. Congrats and welcome. IN ur earlier pics did u just shave the top of ur head or was is just completly bald like that?


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Thanks for the welcome and info.

In the early pics I had pretty mucha number two shave all over, so all the hair was cut to the same length. I had almost no har whatsoever from the hairline right to the back of the head (Seen clearly in the side picture). Literally just a couple of dozen hairs left max.

Since starting on Finasteride the hair growth started at the back of the head and within about 6 weeks lots of tiny fine hairs were becoming visible at the top of my head and at the sides, over the months this has gradually filled towards my hairline and has stalled just short of my temples (There are about 100 tiny new fuzzy hairs, about an inch long on each temple, but like the other hairs, these have also seem to bave frozen and not thickend like the fuzzy haris were doing a couple of months back).

So does the hair regrowth just pause occasionally? I have noticed a lot of hair in the shower lately, but I beleive that's just natural (I read somewhere that the average person looses 100+ hairs a day or something.



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U could just be growing through a shed. There have been a alot of people that have had good results on propecia and then they start shedding and they panic. THey get all worried and post that they think that propecia has stopped working and that there even more bald than b4, then they post again a couple months later saying that there hair has grown back thicker than ever. Since uve already had such good results on propecia, not even a year on it yet, i would bet that maybe ur hairs are just shedding and they are gonna come back thicker than b4. Im just wondering a couple of things. Do you take 1 mg a day and when do u take it? do u eat with it? Do u take anything else? do u use nizoral?


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I take 2.5mg Finasteride a day (Half a Proscar tablet), usually around tea time (5:00PM).

I have not really thought about if I eat with it or not, sometimes I do sometimes not.

In the first few months I also took Androcur, but that had a very nasty depressant side effect so I stopped taking that.

I also take three Ovysmen pills daily, which may or may not have an impact on the effectiveness of the Finasteride.



GeminiX said:
I take 2.5mg Finasteride a day (Half a Proscar tablet), usually around tea time (5:00PM).

I have not really thought about if I eat with it or not, sometimes I do sometimes not.

In the first few months I also took Androcur, but that had a very nasty depressant side effect so I stopped taking that.

I also take three Ovysmen pills daily, which may or may not have an impact on the effectiveness of the Finasteride.


It seems pretty amzing that you noticed the hair growth in six weeks. Plus your results seem pretty amazing too. Let's hope mine goes the same way...


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It was actually a friend that first noticed the results, I was not really convinced untill she pointed out the tiny hairs.

My doctor also seems to be really suprised by the speed at which the new hair has grown and said he has known some people to have no visable change at all even after two years.



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It looks like your regimen is working pretty well. But I do think 2.5mg of finasteride per day seems to be a bit risky to me. The recommended dose was 1mg of finasteride. Do you experinence any side effects?

I do recommend to add minoxidil in your regimen. I feel more volume in my existing hair and I see huge regrowth with vellus hair, some vellus hair now they become more darker and thicker.

By next 2 months, which my six months treatment I post an update.



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The only side effect I can say is almost certainly the Finasteride is the mild depression I sometimes get. It's never a problem though as I tend to be able to easily shake it off.

Other things I have noticed which are probably more as a result of the Ovysmen (And Androcur in the beginning) are a my body hair has thinned considerably, and even almost gone completely from some areas of my body (Back and chest most noticeably). My Libido has all but gone entirely, while my skin has become much much softer in general. There is also significant breast development, but that's probably best suited for another forum entirely, lol.



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Incidentally the 2.5mg was prescribed by my doctor, and is fairly common (I believe) for folk in my position, though I understand 1mg is the norm for purely hair releted issues.



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lol, great typo.

Has anyone else on here ever had the re-growth pause after a year or so then start up again?



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GeminiX said:
The only side effect I can say is almost certainly the Finasteride is the mild depression I sometimes get. It's never a problem though as I tend to be able to easily shake it off.

Other things I have noticed which are probably more as a result of the Ovysmen (And Androcur in the beginning) are a my body hair has thinned considerably, and even almost gone completely from some areas of my body (Back and chest most noticeably). My Libido has all but gone entirely, while my skin has become much much softer in general. There is also significant breast development, but that's probably best suited for another forum entirely, lol.

Your regrowth seems great, but do you really think your regimen is worth it when you consider that your breasts have increased significantly and that you are almost loosing all your libido?

Just wondering why you are taking Ovysmen? Isn't that a drug for women?

Is your medical doctor okay with all this?

Just want to get things into perspective here. Seems that you have some serious side effects and had to comment on that.



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Ah, sorry, I should explain; I'm transsexual, the side effects are quite desirable :)

The mood swings can be funny in hind-sight, like bursting into tears when you spill some cornflakes! lol

Darren ( For now, :D )


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GeminiX said:

This is my first post to here, and I would like to ask a question. I have looked through the FAQ section and did not see an answer, but if I missed it please excuse me asking again.

I have been taking Finasteride (half a 5mg pill daily) since last November and have been very pleased with the results to far (Link to pictures at bottom). However, recently the new hair that has grown back seems to have stopped growing. There does not appear to have been any growth for about a month now, though the hairs are strong and gently tugging does not pull them out.

Is this a normal thing to expect and will the haris continue to grow in a while, or should I consider something different like Dutasteride or Rogaine?

Here are some pictures from last November and some more recent ones taken this year and more recently.

Kind Regards,

Hey man. (or whatever. :p )

Understand that there is a growth "spurt" when using these drugs, which typically lasts 6-12 months. After that, it's mostly maintainence.

If you want a little more oopmh, try adding topical Minoxidil or spironolactone.


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"Man" is fine untill around April next year, hehe.

I'll be happy with maintenence of the hair that's there, especially if the new fuzzy hairs thicken too. I expect I will need some transplants to finish the hair line, but the Finasteride has certainly saved me a small fortune of surgical bills.

While we're kinda on the subject, will the fact that most of the testosterone in my body is now being blocked mean that I should also stop loosing hair long term even withough the Finasteride (At some later stage stopped completely after the "snip" so to speak)?



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GeminiX said:
While we're kinda on the subject, will the fact that most of the testosterone in my body is now being blocked mean that I should also stop loosing hair long term even withough the Finasteride (At some later stage stopped completely after the "snip" so to speak)?


My understanding is once the testicles are gone, hairloss stops, yes.


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After reading your post i did an internet search on ovysmen and all i pulled up was female oral drug and transexual websites so i pretty much figured it out, just call me Sherlock. This is probably one of the reasons your regrowth was so good, there may be more, but this is kind of a rare circumstance for us posters to offer advice on.

Just to confirm what Axon said, once the testicles have been removed further hairloss is not a worry, so your time taking propecia will be a short one. Eunuchs never developed hairloss and they had no balls so i'm pretty sure.

Best of luck with the transition.


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GeminiX said:
The mood swings can be funny in hind-sight, like bursting into tears when you spill some cornflakes! lol

Darren ( For now, :D )


Finasteride does not cause depression.



amazing regrowth! your previous hairline was not very feminie so it must be doubly important for you to get your hair together, well done it seems you are a good responder, good luck with the chop! :freaked2: , anyone else here prepared to go down the 'lady' route to get their hair back?

