What kind of shampoo do you use?


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I recently went out and purchased a bottle of Head and shoulders ultimate clean (it said it was new) well it smells wonderful (a plus) and it's really made my hair feel great.it says it was made with grapefruit, lemongrass and green tea to help clean oil and flakes off the scalp.

It's probaly just because I like the smell, but over-all my hair feels a ton healthier.

What shampoos do you guys use daily?

Healthy Nick

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Head and Shoulders is a great brand! I've used head and Shoulders for a few years now and I think it's great.

Nizoral is ok, but it's strong stuff. not to be used regularly unless you have a problem and really need it.


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Daily I use either I switch between either T-Gel or Pantene Pro V Sheer Volume.


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Head & Shoulders seems to really help keep my scalp healthy. In fact it seems as if my hair gets a little thinner when I don't use it on a regular basis. I rotate it with Pantene Clear shampoo, which is supposed to clean the scalp and hair of styling and shampoo residue. And ocasionally I'll use the Walgreens clone of T-gel shampoo. It comes in a much larger bottle at a cheaper price. This coal-tar shampoo cannot be beat for combating scalp irritation.


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Well baby,
I too like to use the H&S. I also like Pert Plus' dandruff shampoo - which, like H&S, contains pyrithione (sp) zinc. Other than thems, I use the nizoral 1% and neutrogena 'clean' shampoo.