What kind of hair loss is this?


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Just a little background. I used to have THICK hair. My hairline and everything was perfect, and the past 2 years a couple of differnt people made a comment to me that I was losing my hair. Obviously I can't see the back of my head, so I looked at the front and the sides and thought to myself "WTF are these people smoking?" I definately wasn't losing any hair.

Then, in January, i noticed that my left hairline was thinning rapidly. Then, the top of my head starting thinning a little too. After much research I decided to go on finpecia from inhousepharmacy in late may. I've been taking it for about 1.5 months now, everyday without fail. No change. I had a ball ache for about a day, but besides that, nothing. No side effects, and no improvement. I know you need to give finasteride up to a year without judging its results, so I will keep on taking it. I don't know if the finpecia is fake or not, but that's a story for another day.

Today, I got a haircut. I took a pic of my front and showed it to another forum, and they told me I was a NW1!! I was ecstatic. Then, I took a picture of the back of my head. What I saw SHOCKED the living **** out of me. THIS IS WHY EVERYONE HAS BEEN SAYING IM LOSING MY HAIR! I have posted the two photos below, but I'm shocked right now. What kind of hairloss am I experiencing? Why is the back of my head looking like that if the front is more or less fine besides a little thinning? I have been on propecia for 1.5 months and will continue to take it. Should I add rogaine to the back? OR just ride out propecia for a long time before getting on rogaine? Lastly, will treatments even work for someone like the hairloss Im experiencing?

Thank you guys for reading all of that and feedback is appreciated.

The first image is taken in HARSH lighting with a flash, the second is not.




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You look like a diffuse balder, I'm one too. Instead of our hairline moving back slowly and/or just a bald spot developing, we're losing it all over in a NW6 pattern. You still got a awesome hairline though so stick with propecia for at least a few more months and then only add rogaine if your hairloss has worsened. Better to add each treatment slowly so you know which is having a positive effect.


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What kind of treatment is
Optimal for guys like us? What have you been using and have you been seeing results?

Ive heard that propecia isn't good for diffuse thinners. :(


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Na that's BS but it'll vary person to person on how well it will slow or stop their hair loss. Check the success forum, I have thread detailing my journey for the last three years. I've had decent success.


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Let me know if the Finpecia works out I'm using it too and not sure if it's fake.

And you didn't add a pic of the back of your head.