What is wrong with my hair? (pics)


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sorry, what is DUPA?


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Diffuse Unpatterened alopecia.

I *think* its what i have too, but theres doubt in my mind about it. Basically its much worse than male pattern baldness in that apparently DHT inhibition is only half as effective with people who have DUPA. Although you arent *supposed* to go COMPLETELY bald, just extremely thin which is practically just as bad. You just hope that you have massive DHT instead of extreme androgen sensitivity and that way you'll have a fighting chance on Dutas.

Good luck.


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cookcubed what kind of lifestyle are you living right now, as in foods you eat and regularity of exercising/ playing sports?

Since if you don't live a very active lifestyle or haven't for a while then maybe this could be the cause. I used to take martial arts and stopped being active just about the time I moved, so hopefully this is the case of my thinning all over.

I'll be in the army as of this sunday so hopefully in four months due to the high nutrient food we'll be getting along with the daily exercise routines maybe it will turn my hair issue around.


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I live a really normal lifesyle, I eat fairly well, I eat out maybe twice or 3 times a week, god balanced meals, a also play basketball, lift, and run aobut 3 times a week, im not in great shape, but decent and nothing that could cause this


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bleach53 said:
cookcubed what kind of lifestyle are you living right now, as in foods you eat and regularity of exercising/ playing sports?

Since if you don't live a very active lifestyle or haven't for a while then maybe this could be the cause. I used to take martial arts and stopped being active just about the time I moved, so hopefully this is the case of my thinning all over.

I'll be in the army as of this sunday so hopefully in four months due to the high nutrient food we'll be getting along with the daily exercise routines maybe it will turn my hair issue around.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: Sorry mate but it you're feeling that lucky I'd have a go on the lottery the chances of a good outcome are about the same.


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cooked my hair looked about as bad as urs (maybe a bit better) especially when it was wet...its hard to detect the balding when i shave it down...god knows ive tried 100 diff angles and i really cant show how shitty my hair looks this short. The cameras flash seems to somehow thicken my hairup iuno, but in certain lights i really do look like a Nw7 with hair almost its hard to explain. Check out my pics.


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my friend used to use a hair iron like everydy and blowdry the sh*t out of his hair and it started looking like yours. Do you use any heat on your head?


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no ive never done any heat stuff to my hair, i dyed it once in like 7th grade, but i dont think that would still be doing anything


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If you cut it short, I'd say 2 on the sides and 3-5 on the top.


Established Member
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Im not trying to be harsh but you should really buzz that down, try a 4 all over, see what it looks like and see if you should buzz it further. You are young and the women at your age will not be used to that, they will prefer the buzz cut, it will make the diffuse loss look better.

Good luck in what you choose


Established Member
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Your hair is minimally worse then mine...and I shave with guard 0...i used to do guard 4 or 3 but its jus still too long...get a good pair of clippers and buzz weekly just my $0.02


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I actually decided to buzz it, damn its quite a shock when you see it for the first time! I went with a 3 on the sides, 4 on the top. The vertex is really thin and im gonna go a little longer and see if that helps at all, and hopefully in a couple months finasteride will thicken up my hair a little, any bit will help!


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another question, will finasteride help at all against DUPA? and also would DUPA show up on a biopsy that is testing for male pattern baldness?


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so ive started finasteride and im about a month in to it....no sides!
i also started nizoral for the first time.
im staying away from rogain foam for the time being because id like to see if finasteride can do anything on its own.
wish me luck!


You know what also goes good with that regime?

the edit button.


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Have you been to an endocrinologist ? They could check your hormone levels, including thyroid ( have them check T3 and T4 levels). Hair loss caused by hormone imbalance is often the cause


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I have been to a general doctor who supposedly ran all of the tests for hairloss and they said that everything looked normal...., are you saying that i should go again to a endocrinologist and get checked out again?