What Is This Weird Finastride Textured Hair? Feels Like A Wig.


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Im thinking of suing the hair clinic who gave me the sh*t advice of telling me to take finastride for maintaing my hair.
Its had a detremental effect on my mental health and im not settling for anything less than 6 figures
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random phone charger

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Im thinking of suing the hair clinic who gave me the sh*t advice of telling me to take finastride for maintaing my hair.
Its had a detremental effect on my mental health and im not settling for anything less than 5 figures
Dude, I have 3 bottles of finasteride from Forhim. Im not taking that mess. I honestly couldn't live if thing went bad on finasteride.

Reason I have so many, is because I had reccuring orders that automatically arrives.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's a case worth fighting. Why not try Trinov?

random phone charger

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Im thinking of suing the hair clinic who gave me the sh*t advice of telling me to take finastride for maintaing my hair.
Its had a detremental effect on my mental health and im not settling for anything less than 6 figures
What cognitive sides are you experiencing, you can combat them with certain supplements.


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Dude, I have 3 bottles of finasteride from Forhim. Im not taking that mess. I honestly couldn't live if thing went bad on finasteride.

Reason I have so many, is because I had reccuring orders that automatically arrives.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's a case worth fighting. Why not try Trinov?

Ive started fina already, 'consitency is the key' apparently if its going to improve, highly unlikely though as with people with similar experiences to me have mentioned it only got worse. Dont think trinov will get me back to baseline.
Just general depression from having my hairline decimated.
How do i combat inflammed folicles and increased libido, if i had e.d i think it would work.

random phone charger

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Ive started fina already, 'consitency is the key' apparently if its going to improve, highly unlikely though as with people with similar experiences to me have mentioned it only got worse. Dont think trinov will get me back to baseline.
Just general depression from having my hairline decimated.
How do i combat inflammed folicles and increased libido, if i had e.d i think it would work.

Take cold showers, also supplement with ashwagandha, and ginger pills.


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Take cold showers, also supplement with ashwagandha, and ginger pills.

Cold showers help relieve temporary pain not sure if these supplements would help reduce inflammation.
The strange thing is i shed less but loads of hairs around my head have turned wispery but feel stable


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Honestly, isnt that simply how your hair looks? Alot of people have "kinking" hair like that ,inclunding me. Depending on what shampoo i use, if its humid outside or not etc, my hair is either kinky or straight, it changes alot.


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Honestly, isnt that simply how your hair looks? Alot of people have "kinking" hair like that ,inclunding me. Depending on what shampoo i use, if its humid outside or not etc, my hair is either kinky or straight, it changes alot.

Na mate, shock hormonale change from fina caused my hair to get like this. The cycle of my hair has accelerated leaving it wispery.


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Na mate, shock hormonale change from fina caused my hair to get like this. The cycle of my hair has accelerated leaving it wispery.
Agreed. My hair was thin and whispy while on finasteride. My shed started exactly the same time as the increased libido. My hair grew back like sh*t for 7 months, and nizoral only made it worse, even with a conditioner.
I’ve been off finasteride for just over a month now and it’s growing back thick again. I use ACV for my seb derm(and it works) I’m talking cold showers again for overall health too.
Some people can’t handle this drug.


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Agreed. My hair was thin and whispy while on finasteride. My shed started exactly the same time as the increased libido. My hair grew back like sh*t for 7 months, and nizoral only made it worse, even with a conditioner.
I’ve been off finasteride for just over a month now and it’s growing back thick again. I use ACV for my seb derm(and it works) I’m talking cold showers again for overall health too.
Some people can’t handle this drug.

Same sides as me but im hoping my body will try adapt to it overtime and its already done its damage to my hair so im just going to stick it out and wait for my wispery hairs to shed and hopefully grow back thicker, will take time along time though if it does. My libido was through the roof the first 2 weeks along with oily scalp, hot flashes and inflammed follicles now its calmed down although my libido is up and down during the day(mainly up). Id like to do a bloodtest see my if my dht levels are low, maybe that will be an indicator if its working.
Strange thing is i seem to shed much less than before, since i started taking it and its very easy to notice if theres an increase or decrease of shedding with long hair.
That initial hormonal change really affected the state of my hair and gave me a rapid shed 2 days in whilst also reeceding my hairline, i dont know whether things will get better because my sides are similar to those with bad experiences but i will update soon. Going to add minoxidl to the regime but worried about the itch. At the moment my scalp tingles alot around the harline area, it feels like the dht is targeting and attacking those folicles when i get that tingly sensation, if anyone knows anything that can try stop this please let me know. Thanks
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2 month update:
If you havent read my thread basically unfortunately s a result of the sudden hormonal change finasteride initially gave me an acute telogen effluvium when first starting taking it. Thick hair turned into wispy, soft textured hair as mentioned above^^

2months in and my hair still feels like sh*t amd i have been shedding alot of hair all over my scalp (both minaturized hairs and long hairs) and it definately feels less dense as a result of it. The worst bit is my hairline is now much thinner and it has reeceded. I have had some regrowth from the hairs that shedded in the temple area initially but those new hairs are just thin. I dont think my harline will get back to baseline, its still only 2months in so im expecting much more shedding, im just hoping i can get back to my original thick
hair and the regrowth is not thin and wispy like now.

Also the scalp upregulation ive had when my scalp felt greasy and follicles were inflammed have seemed to have temporarily stopped so maybe my system has got used to the drug and also my libido has crashed, i find it much harder to ejaculate and only a little comes out.
Also my crown feels more stable and it does feel like the finasteride has helped that area, unforuntately it just dosent feel like its had the same affect on the top of my head.


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2 month update:
If you havent read my thread basically unfortunately s a result of the sudden hormonal change finasteride initially gave me an acute telogen effluvium when first starting taking it. Thick hair turned into wispy, soft textured hair as mentioned above^^

2months in and my hair still feels like sh*t amd i have been shedding alot of hair all over my scalp (both minaturized hairs and long hairs) and it definately feels less dense as a result of it. The worst bit is my hairline is now much thinner and it has reeceded. I have had some regrowth from the hairs that shedded in the temple area initially but those new hairs are just thin. I dont think my harline will get back to baseline, its still only 2months in so im expecting much more shedding, im just hoping i can get back to my original thick
hair and the regrowth is not thin and wispy like now.

Also the scalp upregulation ive had when my scalp felt greasy and follicles were inflammed have seemed to have temporarily stopped so maybe my system has got used to the drug and also my libido has crashed, i find it much harder to ejaculate and only a little comes out.
Also my crown feels more stable and it does feel like the finasteride has helped that area, unforuntately it just dosent feel like its had the same affect on the top of my head.
Same thing happened with my hair, where it feels like a complete rats nets. Close to 10 months in and it’s still the same. I may have not had much change in the last few months though, which is a plus.


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Same thing happened with my hair, where it feels like a complete rats nets. Close to 10 months in and it’s still the same. I may have not had much change in the last few months though, which is a plus.

Did the finasteride trigger teleogen effluvium for you? Is your hair texture the same or is all your hairs wispy?


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Agreed. My hair was thin and whispy while on finasteride. My shed started exactly the same time as the increased libido. My hair grew back like sh*t for 7 months, and nizoral only made it worse, even with a conditioner.
I’ve been off finasteride for just over a month now and it’s growing back thick again. I use ACV for my seb derm(and it works) I’m talking cold showers again for overall health too.
Some people can’t handle this drug.

Are you trying to tell me finasteride made you lose hair, and stopping it made you regrow hair?


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Did the finasteride trigger teleogen effluvium for you? Is your hair texture the same or is all your hairs wispy?
I’m not sure what it did. But all of my hair is whispy and shitty. I also have a very thin crown.


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I’m not sure what it did. But all of my hair is whispy and shitty. I also have a very thin crown.

Started finasteride 3 weeks ago and my hair used to be quite thick. The main reason I started was to try and keep my hairline intact until I eventually get a hair transplant lol. Seems like the finasteride has made my hair go whispy and thin too


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I’m not sure what it did. But all of my hair is whispy and shitty. I also have a very thin crown.

Did your shedded hair grow back thin and wispy though? If it did then i dont see the point of carrying it on if its going to be constantly like that


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Did your shedded hair grow back thin and wispy though? If it did then i dont see the point of carrying it on if its going to be constantly like that
I’m not quite sure, the only reason I’m sticking to it is because I’m scared of what will happen if I stop.


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What’s up guys. I encountered a very similar experience on finasteride. I started in January of 2017, and it worked wonders from the onset. My hair felt healthier, but I also had some sides (watery semen, ball-ache, not the firmest boners). The sides started going away in March, but then my hair literally went lifeless in the matter of a day. My scalp and T-Zone were oily as sh*t, I was waking up with morning wood and jizzing within seconds during sex/jerking it. I was shedding both eyebrows and scalp hair. I tried to keep on with it, but gave up in December of 2017 when the situation never changed. I played around with doses towards the end of the year, but I was shedding hundreds of hairs a day with an irritated scalp regardless so don’t think it made a difference. Came off of it and started rogaine last January, and my hair is definitely eons better than when I was on finasteride. Just went through another shedding phase recently, so worried that the nizoral in combination with the rogaine isn’t enough to halt it. I have heard around the forums periodic sheds are something users experience on rogaine, and the shedding had slowed a bit the past couple days so hoping for the best.

Also, considering how much you’re shedding now, the rogaine won’t make your hair loss worse if you stop finasteride. My hair looked darker and healthier within months of making the switch, and I would advise you to do the same.