What is the REAL purpose of Minoxidil?


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JayMan said:
htownballa said:
JayMan said:
i gotcha. so you're saying the guy balds a little slower than his brother because the minoxidil adds 100 hairs to his scalp.

andbasically theres no reason for someone in the early stages of hair loss to do minoxidil now, since they can always do it later?


No balding rate is the same, but you bald at the same rate with MORE hairs...only propecia/possibly CPs slow the actual rate because they work against DHT, the fundamental cause of male pattern baldness

I thought copper peptides regrow hair just like rogaine. i didnt think they inhibited DHT. Topical antiandrogens like spironolactone can inhibit DHT.

Oops, sorry I didnt mean CPs inhibit DHT...i believe they function mainly by creating better scalp conditions...i dont know that much about copper peptides tho lol


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Proscar regrows 20% more hair than propecia. I don't know if that is compared to baseline or to placebo. So Dutasteride is more than 22% stronger than propecia. But that is 7 per week.


collegechemistrystudent said:

Proscar regrows 20% more hair than propecia. I don't know if that is compared to baseline or to placebo. So Dutasteride is more than 22% stronger than propecia. But that is 7 per week.

That's 5 mg I assume right? Cuase I take 1.25 mg proscar per day so my numbers are different? Although prob not by much.


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yes. proscar is 5mg. your 1.25 mg might regrow an extra 1% more than propecia. woo hoo.


collegechemistrystudent said:
yes. proscar is 5mg. your 1.25 mg might regrow an extra 1% more than propecia. woo hoo.

as long as it maintains close to as much i dont care. i dont really think the extra diff in dht reduced for maintenance in various dosages really makes a diff for most people.


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I know this is going to be unpopular, but I don't agree with you and Bryan's theory of 'offset of growth'.

While I understand that minoxidil doesn't stop the process of balding, I also know from experience that people using Minoxidil only on their head can have almost ceasation of shedding completely where before treatment they were shedding 80+ noticeable hairs a day.

Minoxidil keeps hair in growth stage longer, how I don't know, but this overrides the bodies natural reaction to reject the hair and cause it to regrow a thinner hair. I think Minoxidil works a lot different to growing some new hairs while your old ones fall out. If that was true why would it stop shedding completely and cause hair to grow faster?

My uncle has been using Rogaine for about 8 years with nothing else and has maintained all his hair that he had, he said he hasn't noticed any new regrowth except a few right at the front of his hairline where his widow peak was and they are thin useless hairs that never grew into anything beneficial.


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hellohello said:
I know this is going to be unpopular, but I don't agree with you and Bryan's theory of 'offset of growth'.

How do you explain the fact that after the initial spurt of growth from Rogaine, users on average start to have haircounts and hairweights that decline at what appears to be the same rate as non-Rogaine users (according to Price's study, and others)? I'm happy for your uncle's good experience, but that doesn't prove anything at all. Sometimes an individual will experience a certain amount of balding, and then have it remain fairly stabilized for a while. You have to go by average results, not the experience of one specific person.
