What is diffuse thinning?


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What exactly is diffuse thinning? And what other types of hair loss are there? I thought everyone had just male pattern baldness


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It's still male pattern baldness, it's just another type of male pattern baldness. I was unfortunate enough to suffer from DPA (diffuse patterned alopecia).

That means I didn't have the infamous receding hair line. My hair just faded equally in the NW5 area (and more slowly in the NW6 area) until I was completely bald.

This type of baldness is more aggressive and you can end up losing all your hair (except the horseshoe of course) in the space of a few years. Which is what happened to me.

Sorry to hear that man but it's better since your hair looks alright after your hair transplant. Also a question regarding the hair transplant, you said that it optimum growth is reached after 2 years, does this mean that hair stops growing after 2 years?


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My Regimen
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this forum is actually so depressing. What a spiral of ****ing negativity


Senior Member
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this forum is actually so depressing. What a spiral of ****ing negativity



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What kind of dumb question is this? There's something called Google you retard
This is a forum that discusses hairless problems. It is a valid question and he's entitled to ask us, some forum members are newer than others and don't spend a lot of time researching male pattern baldness like you and I probably do. No need to be so rude


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This is a forum that discusses hairless problems. It is a valid question and he's entitled to ask us, some forum members are newer than others and don't spend a lot of time researching male pattern baldness like you and I probably do. No need to be so rude
Yeah, apparently he has time to write 76 posts in one month alone, but doesnt have the time to type up "What is diffuse thinning?" on Google or search it up on this forum.