What happens if you're terrible at cutting Proscar?


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Hi all,

I've made the switch from Propecia to Pros and I'm just having so much trouble even cutting the tablets into fourths (let alone fifths). I guess I just don't have sharp knives in the house and every time I try to even cut the 5 mg pill into halves, it leaves a load of "crumbs" all over the place. I'm pretty much left with 3 pieces after I'm done with one pill and a bunch of crumbs. I'm scared to take the crumbs for the fourth day because, well, I just can't see how effective they would be given that 1) I don't know how much I'm taking, and 2) they're crumbs! How can my system make anything of them? I find it hard to believe that they can effectively get into the bloodstream and get the job done.

Am I crazy for believing this? Should I just continue wasting a quarter of each pill if I can't cut it properly?

Thanks in advance for any advice.



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Dude just buy a pill cuter, it holds the pill in place while you close a razor on it. You can slice it very accurately. They cost like 7 bucks.

But even if you fail to cut your proscar well, even if there is a disproportion of something outrageous like 0.20mg to 1.80mg the 0.2mg of finasteride is still showen to be 70% effective in stopping DHT. So it makes little difference if your a few mg out. Having said that being that bad at cutting proscar is almost impossible. (unless you're blind).


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Thanks guys. I didn't even know pill cutters existed! Pretty much answers my question to a tee.

I'll get one from the pharm and I'm sure it'll be straightforward from there.

Didn't know about that study either, metalheaddude. That's hard to believe. finasteride must be a REALLY potent drug. Puts my mind at ease- but the pill cutter itself will put my mind at ease, too. :)

Thanks again.



Established Member
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I'm always making mis-shapen pill slices. I have a pill cutter but it's bargain basement and the pills are oval so are nearly impossible to accurately quarter in the cutter. No problems though, so who cares? At least 3 pills per batch get dropped down the sink as I haphazardly handle them or get wet inside the cutter coz my hands aren't dry, that's more of a problem lol.