What excuse do you give when recovering?


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s.a.f said:
Yeah but that only works if you get a awesome result and some people are just idiots, eg how would you feel if they told a girl that you were interested in. It would be better for them to just think that you'd had some success with some snake oil and were'nt telling them.

Very true in my case. If anyone asks me what I did, I'm probably going to tell them it was a combination of vitamins. Unless it's someone with male pattern baldness seeking a real answer, then I'll let them know because I don't want to mislead them.


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Just tell them you stopped masturbating! :woot:


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Or you could tell them that you had an infection on the part of your head that is the current transplanted area. And that they needed to take skin from the back of your head to fix it and the result was an inadvertent hair transplant.

Or if they ask you why you're head is red in a specific area just say, "Because your mother was really good in bed last night" and then karate chop the books out of their hand.