What Exactly Is The "Average" Man's Hairloss??


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I was discussing with my father what the typical hair loss for most males is. My dad's a nw3-3.5 vertex currently at 54 (who I think I have possibly inherited off). My dad reckons he's probably better than most men his age and that if I have inherited it I should be greatful. But would he be?

By the time you're in your 50s, I would assume that 30-35% of men are nw1/nw2 with maybe a little bald patch or something (basically 80%+ of hair).

nw3's in different forms make up another 10-15%.

And Nw4's+ make the remaining 50%. Would that be right?? Or his humanity ageing better than it used to?? I see less bald people now and less grey people in their 50s than in bygone generations nowadays.