What exactly is brain fog (from Propecia)?


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I've heard brain fog as being a side of Propecia. What exactly is that- is it like a short attention span or the inability to concentrate on one thing for an extended period of time?


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Brain fog may include symptoms of nervousness, anxiety, decreased concentration and focus, and depression.

It's really the inability to process your thoughts as clearly as before, hence brain fog.

Follically Challenged

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Aplunk pretty much got it right.

It not only affects focus and concentration, but it can make you not even realize you are supposed to be focused and concentrating. You're thinking about doing something cool, or being someone cool, and completely forget you were supposed to be thinking in the present because it was kind of important. I don't know if that's just escapism because I didn't like who I was, or the drug, though.

I have felt clearer in the head though since I started taking the drug at night, though.

I've also not been working and sleeping a lot, so I'm pretty refreshed mentally.

It's funny before coming to this site I didn't think I had any side effects, and even for a while here when I heard people talking about the sides I didn't think I had sides. But you sort of clue in..yeah, I had/have that.


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i used to rememeber up to 10 digits of random numbers without any effort, after propecia im down to 4.... and struggling.

i think mostly its due to low serotonin and not focusing on my work. but also due to higher testosterone and lower cortisol as a result of higher test.
sometimes i walk into a room and forget what i supposed to do after i step in :hairy:

intelligence is not affected thankfully, but i plan to not stay on full dose finasteride after i grow my hair back. pseduo alzimers just doesnt fit my job description.

true finasteride can ruin your study abilities if you fog on most days, but it's a choice you'll have to make. hair or brains, there can only be one!


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Sometimes we have to be careful and make sure that something that happens to us is REALLY a side effect. Lately i am having a hard time to concentrate, and i tend to forget things that are not really important. I also tend to forget what i was about to say (you know, the feeling you were about to say something nice and you cant figure out what). I am not on finasteride yet but i if i was i would say "There, clearly a finasteride side!". After a lot of thinking i believe its because i am getting a bit more tired and sleep less than i was used to. So i think we all have to be very careful on what is a side or not!


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I felt brain fog in first and third day of finasteride. My dad said something and only after 2 seconds i understood what he said.


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gd luck with your propecia journey ibm, took 3 weeks for my body to stabilise. the fog may get better or worse on different days.

to rebutt skaff's argument, in all fairness it's just another side-effect, official or not. i did not get b**ch tits on finasteride, but i do not deny finasteride causes gyno just because it didnt happen to me.

people who experience brain fog are usually students or have mentally demanding jobs to notice the night and day difference the fog brings.