What does baldness mean to you?


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It's pretty obvious that it's our perceptions of what baldness means that influence how much it affects us. These perceptions may or may not be in line with reality.

I suspect that younger guys, in general, worry most about how baldness impacts their overall attractiveness and ability to find sex partners and/or longer-term relationships.

I suspect that older guys, on the whole, may have concerns about what baldness implies about aging. It's another visual reminder that we're getting older, that our bodies are changing.

Of course, those concerns can have massive overlaps in both age groups. And these aren't the only worries that hair loss creates.

So, I'm curious what does it mean to you that you're losing hair (if you are)? Why does it bother you (if it does)?


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because it makes me look older and well .. the 'scene' i was involved with last year .. its not cool to be bald or have a shaved head. everyone .. literally everyone had long/messy hair. so I'm missing out on tons of fun sh*t. and I find myself dressing differently too as I dont want to be seen as some sad old wanker trying to be "down with the kids" haha.

my god, if this minoxidil crap brings some of my hair back i will party like i've got 6 weeks to live.

i dont care if I go bald at 35.


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I've been losing my hair since I was about 23 and have been on meds since I was about 25. I turn 30 this year and thankfully still have pretty much a full head of hair.

While I'm hella glad I've made it to 30 without noticeable (to others) male pattern baldness, I can tell you that you will certainly care if you go bald at 35!! Unless you're happily married with kids and the like...

Me... I'm a total kidult and need to keep that mop if I'm to snatch the hotties from the youngies out there!



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It all depends on your amount of hairloss. Being a young guy in your 20's and walking into a room full of your peers to find that you're the only 'baldy' makes you feel like you are not a normal person. There is a definate social stigma to going bald at a young age.


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First, I hate it with a passion. Second, I got quite a bit of jokes in high school from people with better mops than me that hurt quite a bit.

I'm tired of looking older than I am. Unfortunately, my family says "Get over it, your uncles and grandfathers did". Maybe they had to get over it in the 40's. I'm sick of being the token balding guy at work.

I'm tired of seeing guys with better heads of hair. I just want TRC to come out in 2010 so I can say goodbye to this.

I wish I got into Propecia despite the things I said about it. Revita is working for me, I just wish I took the chance to fight it earlier. Now I think I'm only going to get maintenance and that's fine.

Most of the women I know don't even notice it or they say they don't. Maybe because they're not shallow.

From what you can say, I hate it and it drains my youth.


Nothing much in general, it looks great on many ppl and I don't have anything against baldness. I just don't think it suits me too well, so I'm desperately trying to regrow some of my hair. People say that I look like a 20 yr old and I am almost 25, so balding will probably make me look my age :lol:


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I havent thought about it and probably wont till i cross the bridge where i cant pass it off nemore. Altho I know this...my hair is getting there and yesterday when i was @ a poker game...my friend had a 0.5 guard buzzcut and it was THIIIIIICK. I showed up with my guard 1 buzzcut and ppl were asking me when i became a skinhead lol. So i guess they figured i shaved it to 0 and that was my slight regrowth showing. But like with buzzing, I think about it so much less...my hair IS AS IS when u look @ it, and so i dont need to worry about water and sh*t messing it up, even tho i dont exactly fancy having a buzzcut, i am much more @ peace then i ever was with my thin hair grown out.


MacAttack said:
But like with buzzing, I think about it so much less...my hair IS AS IS when u look @ it, and so i dont need to worry about water and $#iT messing it up, even tho i dont exactly fancy having a buzzcut, i am much more @ peace then i ever was with my thin hair grown out.

I second that. It's so damn tempting to try and grow it out, though. Just to notice how thin the hair has become.


Well, where shall I start? It is hair, need I say more? Hair is a part of my personality! Losing it means a part of me is dying. By now I am inferior to men with full heads of hair. Yes, other factors such as aging or women may be important too, but that´s not really it for me.


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when i first noticed it last year,i could not beleive it and it was like being raped of your body,i slumped into BIG depression that i am slowly coming out of because my hair has been looking a bit better recently.
It was the not knowing as well,i and still cannot make arrangement weeks in advance because i don't know what mt hair will be like.My worst time was april to june i was not far of the edge,and if my hair does make a good recovery it will be my proudest acheivment,not really a acheivment because when we take these meds ,our fate is in the lap of the gods


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GrowHairGrow! said:
People say that I look like a 20 yr old and I am almost 25, so balding will probably make me look my age :lol:

People say that I look 15 and I'm 26. Balding won't make me look my age, it'll just make me look like a balding 15 year old!! :(


kalbo said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
People say that I look like a 20 yr old and I am almost 25, so balding will probably make me look my age :lol:

People say that I look 15 and I'm 26. Balding won't make me look my age, it'll just make me look like a balding 15 year old!! :(

Nah, no one will think a 15 yr old is balding. Or do they? :shock:


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Well it surely scares me.... and i worry that women wont look at me or feel disgusted....

But what really gets to me is this unfairness of life.... thats what makes me feel depressed and sick..... like why do other guys dont have to go through this why do they have good heads of hair and dont have to worry every time they look in the mirror..

well just my 2 cents


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Some interesting responses here, ranging from concerns over loss of beauty to comparisons to 'superior' guys with full heads of hair.

I won't say that hair loss should not make us feel this way. Having/keeping hair is obviously very important to me and our culture rewards physical beauty on all kinds of levels.

But I will add that:

1. Many people, if not everyone who lives to a certain age, eventually go through a grieving process over their lost youth. Whether that be loss of looks, competitiveness, or regrets over things done or not done. This isn't to say that we should just lie down and accept hair loss. But it's more just to say that it's part of the human experience. Not sure if that would make us feel better or not...

2. As to comparisons to 'superior' guys in the looks department... Even those guys who seemingly have it all (think David Beckham) suffer in one way or another, or will suffer eventually. I'm not saying everyone you meet is walking around in constant existential pain or anything, just that we all struggle with various issues. If, for instance, Mr. Beckham based his happiness and self-esteem entirely on his looks or soccer ability, think what a terrible experience aging will be for him if he doesn't learn to adapt. Again, I'm not saying that we all need to just accept hair loss (and it's realistic to have certain expectations for your age: "I shouldn't be bald at 15, for instance"). But I think some adaptation and self-acceptance are important in working things out psychologically. Not to imply that folks aren't doing that already, but worth mentioning I think anyway.



I think Beckham already has issues... it has been discussed on various football boards etc. Don't know what the "disorder" is called in english but he has this overwhelming need of keeping things in certain order. For example, his socks has to be in certain order in the closet, his pepsi cans must be in certain way in the fridge etc... the disorder is said to have made his life pretty difficult.


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I hadn't heard that about Beckham. If it's true then it sounds like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).


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mikemass said:
Even those guys who seemingly have it all (think David Beckham) suffer in one way or another, or will suffer eventually. for instance, Mr. Beckham based his happiness and self-esteem entirely on his looks or soccer ability, think what a terrible experience aging will be for him if he doesn't learn to adapt.

Yes but having millions in the bank and having achieved more aged 30 than most people ever could if they lived to be 200 will no doubt be a great comfort to Beckham as he begins to lose his looks/talent.

GHG I dont think his OCD is that bad at all. Its just an eccentric quirk and does'nt really interfer with his life.


Oh, really gives a sh*t about OCD? If you are worried about your socks not being in proper order you just put them there. Lol, the comparsions of some people are really outrageous. Btw. Beckham IS losing it. We have discussed this matter a few weeks ago.


Taugenichts said:
Oh, really gives a $#iT about OCD? If you are worried about your socks not being in proper order you just put them there. Lol, the comparsions of some people are really outrageous. Btw. Beckham IS losing it. We have discussed this matter a few weeks ago.

Nice one. I thought you'd be the one to understand these ridiculous obsessions 'cause you have a nice one yourself about hair. I guess not.