What do you guys think?


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Hi Guys,

I am shedding hair constantly for about 10 months now. It started acute in July 2015, never experienced any hairloss what so ever before so i freaked out a little bit. The shedding was pretty much the same for 5 months resulting in losing approximately 100-200 hairs a day but since i had a big bush of hair it was not really noticeable for those months (except for myself offcourse). After 6 months the shedding reduced to losing approximately 25-50 hairs so i had the hope it would stop soon, but guess what? It didnt and the shedding has worsened the last month resulting in losing 100-150 hairs a day again and my hair is looking thinner and thinner.

I went to my doctor (after 5 months) and she suspected telogen effluvium because my hairloss was diffuse, acute and i showed no receding hairline or bald spots. Now after 10 months i see a little recession of my frontal hairline and bangs, no bald spots and i have quite some regrowth, but i have the feeling it is falling out as well, the regrowth at my frontal hairline looks pretty decent but i cant tell if its the same in my hairline and crown. The most hairs i shed are long and have the telogen bulb, but the last weeks i notice more short hairs (4-6 centimeters) that fall out, they dont look like vellus hairs so i really dont know what is happening right now.

What do you guys think, is this a case of chronic telogen effluvium or does it look like it has morphed into the evil male pattern baldness? I have added some pictures that might help!

Thanks for looking at this topic and i hope to hear something from you guys,



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She prescribed me nothing, she expected that it would sort itself out. She recommended me some biotin which i still take, but it doesnt seem to do much. Really want to know if this is CTE or Androgenetic Alopecia so i know which regimen to follow, still in the early stage of hairloss so if it is male pattern baldness i need to adress this asap.


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At first glance, I don't see sufficient evidence of miniaturization in these pictures that would point to Androgenetic Alopecia. Then again, I'm no expert and I might not be looking at the pictures correctly. Maybe someone else can chime in?


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Thats the weird thing, i almost see no vellus hairs and my regrowth seems quite the same as my normal hair. But then again i am losing more of these short regrown hairs lately and i dont lose hair from my sides.. Its quite annoying to not know what is happening and which steps to take next..


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Can you take pictures of your crown from behind too? Also r u thinning from all over the scalp or only on top ? What about ur family history from MBP? , and If u check my threads u will see that am facing the same problem .


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Hi Guys,

Still shedding after almost 12 months now and i am really starting to freak out. The shedding has been going up and down the last 2 months and i still dont know if it is CTE or Androgenetic Alopecia, the good thing is that i am actually seeing a lot of what i think of as normal regrowth at my whole scalp and it does not look like vellus or minituarized hair. Still the shedding bothers me and the regrowth is taking a long time, also it seems that i am shedding a greater rate of short hairs lately which looks like short cycling.

I have a question about the regrowth in my frontal hairline, it does look like normal hair that grows back(color, thickness). Is this looking like a regrowing hairline or is this part of Androgenetic Alopecia? I have a ton of these regrowing hairs around my whole scalp, as i said before these also dont look minituarized.

What the hell is going on with my scalp, the density is still OK but it is nothing compared to my big full head of hair 1 year ago. I am still not really receding, maybe 0.5 centimeters as you can see on the pictures....

PLEASE guys help me out because this hairloss nightmare is starting to really annoy me... if it is Androgenetic Alopecia i want to start treatments but if it is CTE i rather wait it out till my hairs starts gaining density again....

Thanks in advance

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Is this Male pattern baldness ?

First of all I'm sorry for posting this in your thread but being a new Member I'm not allowed to create a new thread until i have 4 posts, since I found this thread somewhat related to my problem that's I'm posting it here.

I have been losing hair since May 2015 and lost almost 75% by November 2015 since then I have been keeping them too short so as to lessen the hair fall.
I have lost hair from every part of my head but mostly from the top (see 1st photo). My doctor firstly said that its not male pattern baldness (till February 2016, I visited him first in November 2015) and now he says that its male pattern baldness, but i'm not getting this that male pattern baldness follows a specific pattern of losing hair, but I don't see any pattern in my case i'm losing it from almost every side but mainly from top. So please confirm whether this is male pattern baldness or not. Also he suggested me to start using Mintop solution only but no Finasteride, shall i start using it ?

from past seven months i have been taking Hairbless tablets + vitamin E capsule + 1 Multivitamin capsule but that's not much effective till now.

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Ok guys, a little update for people that are somewhat in the same position as me. I went to a dermatologist which is specialized in hairloss for over 20 years. I had a scalp biopsy and hair root research done. The outcome was Androgenetic Alopecia unfortunately but after a year of shedding i kind of expected this, nevertheless it still suck donkey balls but actually knowing what is happening to me is better than playing the waiting game. The positive thing is that my hair is actually in pretty good shape and my hair cells are actually still alive and producing hairs, they still produce an amount of regrowth but that will not last if i dont start treatment. At first i wanted to hop on fina right away but after realising that the side effects that could occur are pretty ugly it scared me of. I am currently starting rogaine foam 5% and i hope that this will thicken up my hair..(it is still pretty thick and i see some regrowth that looks the same as my normal hair) so i hope that this will help me carry on for a few years..


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I have one question, since my regrowth and shedding is pretty diffuse all around my hair (mainly crown) and a veeeery small recession(which will progress in time i guess) how do i apply the rogaine foam? Do i have to put it at my whole scalp or just on some parts..the thinning on my vertex is so diffuse..so i would really want to thicken up that sh*t


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Put a capful of foam, and just put it all over the top, including the temples. Rub it into your scalp, that's

It will probably thicken the vertex.

Shedding for ten months is not good. Normally, shedding should stop in twelve to sixteen weeks. You
might need something stronger (an anti DHT, possibly).

However, your hair looks like it is in good shape. I can't really tell where your hairline should be without
seeing the entire head.

General rule of thumb : Distance from nostrils to chin = distance from top of nose to where hairline SHOULD

Thanks for your reply, i am shedding for over 11 months now WITHOUT any form of treatment, so the rogaine foam will be my first step in combatting hairloss. Regarding to your rule of thumb, i have done the test and my hairline seems to have receded 0.5 mm i guess...almost zero recession..so weird.. vertex and crown are mostly affected :(