what do you guys think?


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hey, i attached 3 pictures what do you think?

im 22 btw


  • 0327011414.jpg
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  • 0327011413.jpg
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  • 0327011427.jpg
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At first I thought I was looking at a NW6,those angles. :shock: Might want to rotate those pics,lol


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You have a receding hair line , man.

Check out minoxidil, propecia and nizoral.

There are side effects to consider so be sure to research them.


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poor pictures


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sry for the pics, used a cell phone.

ya that's what i was afraid of. any advice as far as wearing hats, i usually wear one is it bad too. i also use head and shoulders hair endurance for men, is this bad to use.

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Hat wearing causing baldness is an old wives tale mate. So if you want to wear a hat wear one as it will have no impact on your hair.


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hey, thanks for the replies. I have a dermatologist appointment in a month, is that too long too wait. I'd like to get on finasteride and the other stuff sooner than later to hopefully at least keep what I have. Don't want to lost too much more.

Do you think a month is too long to wait and I should try to find another place with an earlier time or am I worrying too much.


slurms mackenzie

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Without knowing how quickly it's going a month may be okay.

If you're thinking of going on the big three you could probably start nizoral and minoxidil straight away.


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So it would be a good idea to start nizoral and min right now? I was going to wait until I saw the doctor, but if it would be beneficial so it doesn't get too much worse till then i'll jump on them.
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if i were you and you're serious about fighting this, you might as well get on minoxidil and nizoral right now. i'm in the same boat youre in man, im 21 and hair looks about the same as you, maybe a little worse. I was on finasteride for a year and then i stopped cause i was poor but it definitely helped. A month will hardly make any difference, especially for how much you'll benefit after starting the big 3!


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thanks for the advice, did you end up growing anything back while on the big 3?

Also can using rogaine and nizoral cause me to lose hair at all? I hear there could be initial shedding, but that's a good sign. But would the hair I have now become reliant on these and if I stopped them cause the hair i have now to begin falling out?


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The hair you gain with minoxidil will fall out if you stopped it. Other, healthy hairs shouldn't fall out.
(I used minoxidil for about a year but i stopped it 4 months ago, didn't notice increased shedding but i think my hairloss is/was not caused by male pattern baldness)


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tempreced said:
Also can using rogaine and nizoral cause me to lose hair at all?

nizoral did cause me to shed/lose hair. for some people, the chemicals in it are just too harsh. you'll find out whether or not nizoral is suitable for you rather quickly i'd say. it only took 3 uses for me before i started shedding like a dog. I've stopped since b/c it gave me headaches and dried my scalp but give it a shot and see how it works out for you.
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when i was on the big 3, after 6 months or so i felt like my hair was thicker. I didnt take any pictures, but i was certain it looked better. I can't wait to start again. I remember feeling better even into the first couple weeks of the process, just knowing that i was doing something to combat it.


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Hey guys,

So about 4 months ago i started minoxidil and finasteride. It seems like my hair has gotten worse over this period however, could I not be a responder to these products. Lately it seems like every time I run my hand through my hair i get a hair falling out!

I'll get some pictures up in the next couple of days



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So far, I'm only using nizoral, but when I started my hair was relatively fine, but I noticed a little thinning along the hairline so I though it couldn't hurt. About month into using it the thinning seemed worse to point when I looked in the mirror and gasped, I nearly started crying, cursing out the nizoral and saying my was OK before I used it and why did I start, BUT the shedding stopped and were my hairline was a little thin, started to look much thicker.

I know myself nizoral isn't some magic bullet (and only a small few see benefits) and in due course I will hope on finasteride, but it is a great shampoo and it, along with minoxidil, can cause initial shedding, in the majority of cases thats a good thing.


(I blabbered on bit there, sorry,lol)


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good to hear that it started to thicken up for you! how long did it take for you to see the thickening results. I'm just getting worried since it's already been 4 months and still looks like its just getting worse!

Also on another note, i know nizoral has been hard to come by, so i was looking on amazon for another keto shampoo and came across this one:

http://www.amazon.com/Hair-Shampoo-Keto ... 834&sr=1-1

what do you guys think of this?



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You might want to check these out before you start finasteride, just so you know the risks.



Studies showing finasteride:

Preventing erections and priapism


Causing cancer




Castrate effects on rats and humans


Causing erectile dysfunction



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Guys in your early 20s I am 28 soon to be 29, I regret not using the big three and fighting the fight during your age.

I advise you all to start as soon as you can.


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its been about 4 months on finasteride and minoxidil and my hairline seems worse then when I started. Right now it feels like I'm losing a lot of hair. Everytime I run my hand threw my hair I'm getting a hair coming out. I'm not sure if this is a shed like you guys have said or the finasteride isn't working and my hair is getting worse. Is this normal for 4 months in on minoxidil and finasteride?