What do you guys do when this hairloss thing gets to you?


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Yeah, what do you guys do when you get depressed/down/stressed about this whole "i'm loosing my hair" thing? I used to get high and drink a lot to make myself feel better, but now i just listen to music and read, it usually relaxes me. Anybody else find something to help keep their mind off of "hair loss?"


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yea i was the same way, used to drink but as good as that felt i ended up the angry drunk and got more depressed once i got real drunk. now i just try to rent/download a movie whenever i can and watch it, usually something funny but anything to keep my mind off it. I wish I was a reader but seems like when I read I don't concentrate and end up thinking about my loss while I'm reading too much.

I think one thing that is a big help is exercise then a nice cool shower. I think if someone is down exercise is a great thing to do. I usually go jog or play some b-ball at a park close to my home that not many people go to. Its not easy as i still think about it. But exercise always makes me feel better and is good for my body. And if the movie is good enough that helps me keep my mind off it for a while.

This stuff will sure consume a person so you have to do something to try to keep your mind off it as hard as that can be.


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Well tbh now that I have started to do something about my hair loss I dont get down about it much as I used to. I feel a little dis-heartend when I see my scalp glaring back at me through my hair, but then I have only been using finasteride for around 1 month so if in a years time my hair is worse than it is now, then I think I will start feeling very down about things, untill then I gonna try keep a positive attitude and hope you guys do the same. I have even stopped looking at other guys hair and thinking lucky sh*t, although when I see a guy who is 50+ with more hair than me I cant help but have angry thoughts! Remember it could be a lot worse, main thing I always note to myslef is that I have good health and friends who will be there even if my hair is not.


I think what me and other members will tell you is that you have to maximise the other things about you. You need to get to the stage where you are comfortable with your hairloss and tell the world that there is more to me/you than just hair.

It's a tough battle to get to that higher plain but when you get there it's worth it.


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I also find myself day dreaming a lot now, about what i will do if/or when i get my hair back. I know this is probably not the healthiest/most productive thing i could do but it definitely keeps some hope alive more me. I really like that idea you had Traxdata, about "maximizing the other things about you"--that puts a really good spin on things, and automatically can give you other things to focus on...I guess the alternative is to be depressed, and ultimately becoming that self fullfilling prophecy of a "BALDING LOSER" we all are affraid of becoming.


The thing is that we are all in the same boat. We are all here because of hairloss. But as I said in a previous post, maximising the other things is the best way to go. Yes, you can lose your hair and you feel you look stupid because of it. In that instance maximise a hair style that suites that type of hair loss.

Health and body are important. Take up swimming or something like that. Look after your body. The hardest thing is to actually start something like that because we all think about our hair and it get's us down. But believe me, when you start to get fit and look good then people do notice you. You feel more confident with the person you are and that makes the difference. It's when you get to the point that you actually like yourself that you start to think of other things than hairloss.

Good luck anyway....

too bald too furious

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traxdata said:
Take up swimming

I want to, but wet hair will make me look horrible to other persons in the swimming pool. I dont know how ashamed I will be if chicks are swimming there too and my thinning is exposed due to scalp wetness. :(


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tbtf - If your thinning hair is going to stop you from popping down to the local pool you could always wear one of those swimming caps, there are some pools here in the UK where these caps are compulsory.

For everyone else; there are plenty of other sports to choose from, most of which don't involve being submersed in water. Even if you do nothing more complicated than going running a few times a week, this can make a huge difference to not only your health, but your confidence also - just like trax said.

Even better, particularly if hair loss has knocked your confidence, is to find a team game, join the local club and get fit and meet new people at the same time.



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1 - I play guitar
2 - I watch football (and bet). Not "american" football of course.
3 - I PLAY football
4 - Playstation 2
5 - I put a cap, hang out with friends and have fun without caring much about how I look.
6 - I avoid mirrors, and picture myself looking like Colin Farrell.

Having hobbies real help to overcome hairloss depression.


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It's already been stated but take a step back and take in the bigger picture. LIFE IS MORE THAN HAIR AND HAIR is not all that life is about :p

What I do is put some quality time into relationships that matter to me and then also get some time for my hobbies as well. One of my key interests is AI and I've got a Sony ERS-7 Aibo to help me explore:)


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When my hairloss really gets to me I just try to do something to take my mind off things. I'll go out with some friends or get some tickets to a basketball game to just get my mind off things.

Reading and watching movies and TV really help me also. Or if it's really bothering me I'll just go shoot some hoops in the driveway or go for a run or workout.

But lately it's getting harder and harder to distract myself from this hairloss sh*t. It just seems like everywhere you go, you are reminded of what lies ahead. I'll be at a basketball game and totally enjoying myself, with hairloss being the furthest thing from my mind. Then I see some slick bald dude sitting a few rows ahead of me and I just get a sinking feeling in my stomach and I just feel miserable all over again.

Damn I never knew something as simple as hair, something I always took for granted would affect as much as it does.

I agree with Greg in that there is more than life than jsut hair but I guess I'm just at that point where it's very hard to accept and move on. I'm sure we all accept it at some later point and move on with life but being 20 it almost makes me cry sometimes because at the rate I'm losing hair I'll be slick bald by the time I'm 25.


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Jerk off to p**rn. That always makes me feel better and its easier on your health, wallet and waistline than drinking yourself into a stupor.


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i break out the couvre/dermmatch.i've been sheddign a lot lately..like every other spring/summer. but it usually grows back. hopefully it will again


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Get in shape, get a tan, and antidepressants.... along with hope that a better cure is in the future at some point.


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Excellent words of wisdom there ShedMaster. However, one point I'd caution against and that is getting on antideprssants. I was on Effexor for close to three years at 150 mg a day and it flatlined my emotions. In fact now that I'm off of it, I feel like a new man. Now of course I'm not downing taking antidepressants but just don't let it be the first thing to help you out.


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if youre gonna feel depressed and down about something, then get off your *** and do something proactive while youre being depressed. I was upset over a girl and figured that I'd be moping about anyways, so i started going for long walks and lifting weights. That way, i was moping as I would have done regardless, but at the same time, my body started looking MUCh better. If you dont think that you can do stuff because you'll be obsessed about your hair, then obsess about it, but do something healthy WHILE obsessing over it. The change for me has been nothign short of amazing. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Uiskii to Biiru

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If I'm feeling crappy about hair before I go out, I like to smile to at every single girl I pass by; nothing will make you feel better than all the smiles you get back.

I also like to think of this: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)


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I just try not to think about it...Hats always help going out and all.. Guitar.....games....guitar ............

Hair loss wouldn;t be so bad if society wasn;t so cruel and judge by your hair.........It all boils down to that..We would never have boards or even cared what others think ..But well , it's the truth society says " you have to look such and such a way to fit in" People will always scrutinize others for being " different then the majority"...