What can I do for an itchy scalp?


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I have this tingling slight itch and its just in the temporal areas where I'm thinning. Any suggestions?

Is this indicative of anything? Wondering if this is inflammation based.

I am currently only on Bimatoprost for topicals and finasteride plus a number of other oral meds. But considering adding RU or CB 03....Thanks for any info


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Well, I managed to get my itching under control through a variety of different shampoos, and adding dexpanthenol to my min.

I use revita every 2 day, a shampoo for itchy and dry scalp on the other days, and nizoral every 4-5 days or so. The panthenol in the min (3ml in 60ml) also helped a lot. After I made these changes, the itching is completely gone. Hope this helps.


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Not sure if this will work for everyone, but I recently started taking a hair, skin, and nails multivitamin every day and cutting out all sugars before I go to bed and I haven't had an itchy scalp in weeks.

I used to lose sleep due to my friggin irritated scalp so maybe this will work out for ya. Only thing that has helped with inflammation for me.