What Are Some Physical Therapies To Reduce Scalp Fibrosis Other Than Dermarolling?

Mandar kumthekar

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I was thinking to use dermarolling to promote hair growth and scalp fibrosis reversal. I have read many studies which equivocality stated fibrosis as a pathological factor in male pattern baldness. Many anecdotes says they reversed fibrosis by dermarolling and massage and seen improvement in hair count.
I am afraid that dermarolling would cause skin infection .I am also confused about which size I should use. So is there any other physical therapy ? Massage or any other that will help me in reversing fibrosis and improve blood circulation? Thanks!


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You could try massaging your scalp. However, you probably need to do this every day at least 10mins.
If you have hte discipline and time for that no problem.

Mandar kumthekar

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I don't know about a physical therapy but you could supplement with vitamin D + vitamin K.
I take vitamin c and zinc for other reasons. Should I add D and K . would it help?
I have come to the conclusion that DHT induced fibrosis is culprit . reversing not would be challenge