What are some good hairstyles for those with thinning hair?


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My hair has sadly started to thin out and it's only getting more and more noticeable as my hair gets longer and longer.

Can anyone recommend some good short styles for those with relatively minor diffuse thinning?

I was thinking something like this might be okay:

(minus the big cut in the middle of the forehead :shakehead: )

I'd like to get it buzzed very short but my face is rather long and thin looking and I'm quite pale... So I don't think it'd look that great. Can any other diffuse thinners comment on what styles look okay?



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it kind of also depends on if any or how much temple loss you might have.

A few of those really expose the temple area. The first two look decent. If you have minor diffused thinning you can probably pull off just about any short haircut and if you want a little extra cover you can go with a little concealer.

Ive personally noticed that with my diffused thinning. Short looks best as longer hair tends to bunch up due to the wavy hair I have and show the scalp more so than if just short.


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Ok, cool... Thanks!

I only have very minor temple loss... But they are starting to recede just a little. I'd say I'm just approaching a nw2 now... I'm planning on starting minoxidil this week, though so hopefully I'll get a little regrowth.

Thanks again for the tips. :bravo:


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Just a heads up if Minoxidil can cause a good bit of shedding in the first beginning but dont lose faith.

Keep this in mind when you go for your hear cut. The shedding can be minimul to sever depending on how many of your hairs are at the end of there growth cycle but its short lived and once they are out the Minoxidil will force them to regrow in a few weeks.

Based off that knowledge and on the line of precaution I would go with one of the more shorter cuts as longer hair will show the appearance of thinning if you do have a massive shead vs more shorter hair.


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Thanks for the heads up...

I'm a little concerned about the shed, to be honest. I'm losing a lot of hair in the shower at the moment... Anywhere between 70-120+ hairs and it has been like that for nearly 2-months. The sudden increase in hair loss is half the reason why I want to start the minoxidil... It still looks like I have a full head of hair... But I can't imagine that lasting for long if my hair continues to fall out like this.

Would the large amount of loss in the shower indicate that I'm probably in for a monster shed if I start on the rogaine foam? I kind of feel like I don't have a choice... As long as the hair grows back, I could probably deal with a shed in the beginning... Still, it is rather worrying.

Thanks again for the advice on styling... I'll def go for a shorter style. :)


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Probably not. The average person will shed 50-100 hairs a day. By reading the forums when someone mentions they lost 50-100 hairs and its not normal to them its mainly because they already have significant lose. If you have a full thick head of hair 0-100 shed is probably normal and you just never noticed or wasnt paranoid enough to consider it.

Here is a great example of what Im referring to
http://www.williamcollierdesign.com/hai ... ormal.html

Granted even on finasteride your body will still continue its natural cycle of shedding and regrowth. It just prevents the folical shrinkage and promotes the repair of damaged folicals only. Dont confuse regrowth with new hairs.

The minoxidil will force hairs out of the dormant stage and force hairs at the end of there cycle to recycle through again. Leading to a shed.

One example from Dr Lee is to pull at a small section of your hair and see how many hairs come loose with out actually yanking them from the root. Then divide that area up across the whole treatment area of your head by the number of pulled hairs. That should give you and indicator of you possible shed.

Also keep in mind depending on the sebum level on our scalp some of your hairs may not be attached to the root but still be stuck in the folical growth shafetheld in place by the sebum. This is why some people report a shed after using Nizoral or similar types of shampoos as they help to break up the sebum.

Sorry Im sure I went a bit over board there but its better to understand the possible out coms before hand so you dont over think the shed and feel a need to recede form your regime.

A rule with most people is that a shed is good long term. Cosmetically it can be bad but its a good indicator. Plus if you do have a massive shed you could always pick up a concelar like Toppik or Nanogen and use temp till the new hair grows through.


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Matw said:

My hair has sadly started to thin out and it's only getting more and more noticeable as my hair gets longer and longer.

Can anyone recommend some good short styles for those with relatively minor diffuse thinning?

I'd like to get it buzzed very short but my face is rather long and thin looking and I'm quite pale... So I don't think it'd look that great. Can any other diffuse thinners comment on what styles look okay?


What colour hair do you have? In my experience if you go too short with diffuse thinning it will make it look worse. I'd say the ideal length is between 3/4 inch to 2 inches.
If you've got a long face I'd avoid the close cropped sides/longer top seen in the first 3 pictures you posted as these will make your face seem even longer. Hairstyle 5 is best imo.


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I have dark brown hair... I always heard that short cuts hide diffuse thinning more than longer cuts? Damn, now I don't know what to think. :(

The fifth cut on that list I posted is my favorite, though.

I have a very good hairdresser.... But she recently gave birth to a baby and I'm sort of waiting for her to come back. Her husband is bald so I have full confidence in her ability to give me a decent cut... Just gotta wait til she comes back hopefully next month.

Thanks for the pointers, fellas.


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All of those hairstyles are great...for guys with full heads of hair!
But in all seriousness it depends on the extent of the hair loss. Generally though, short is best for thinning hair. I find that my hair looks thicker with a #4 buzzcut, also completly buzzed camoflouges it pretty well.


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Diffuse thinners are best not to buzz. It'll show even more. People with naturally fine hair should also keep their hair a litte bit longer. I have both. I had a buzzcut for a year and I looked bald, even though my hairloss isn't that bad.