went to the doctor and


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told him my situation. and said "you arent bad at all, try some topicals first. why mess with your hormones and your libido at such a young age?"
"there is always later to try finasteride." im 23 btw.

he said we was reluctant about it. wouldnt have a problem writing me a script. which i already have.

i think i may take his advice...ive known him for awhile. ill try minoxidil on my temples and see what that does for a couple months. mostly just my right temple.


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when my dick is as hard as a rock when im 35 you will be envious.


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im 23... 3 months on finasteride and still hard as a rock :lol:


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You're doctor is wrong. I have a few doctors in my family and it's typical think they know it all and have this huge ego. It's what you want in a Doctor but they are set in their ways and for them to take things that are a fact into consideration would sometimes take up to a decade.

Doctors commonly make mistakes, they sometimes have to change a script more than a dozen times. You could almost say they are guessing half the time. I am a great guesser normally I prescribe the same script people got without them telling me.

He just has it all backwards, not his fault. Just the time line of how the treatments are supposed to go. No biggie, no. :roll:


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Jm0311 said:
told him my situation. and said "you arent bad at all, try some topicals first. why mess with your hormones and your libido at such a young age?"
"there is always later to try finasteride." im 23 btw.

he said we was reluctant about it. wouldnt have a problem writing me a script. which i already have.

i think i may take his advice...ive known him for awhile. ill try minoxidil on my temples and see what that does for a couple months. mostly just my right temple.

For every doctor that says that, you'll find one that says "the sooner you start, the better". It just so happens that your doctor is in the former category. Is your doctor better than mine because he says one thing and mine says the other?...I don't think so. What we can say for sure is you're hair will be worse off for this decision...both docs would agree on that.


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Jm0311 said:
when my dick is as hard as a rock when im 35 you will be envious.

Whats with your attitude and trolling the forums lately?

Please relax man. No need to get so wound up when people are trying to help you. Everyone is here to help each other. If your going to solicit advice be you need to accept every piece given and think about it or do not make threads.

You may not like what flimflam said but he has a valid point and he took the time to read and respond to your post. There is no forum to help you without people doing that.


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yea i had a few beers that day. sorry flimflam. thanks for all your help guys...without finding this site i would worse off later on.


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To me it just seems you really wanna start finasteride but are just uninformed or scared off by FAKE side-effect stories (Such as permanent libido loss or ED). Why not just TRY it? Like honestly why not try it for a week or two or even a month. guess what? You can be like hte other 95% of people who have 0 side effects (the ones that DONT post complaints). What exactly do you have to lose? IF you get side-effects you can just quit so why are you being such a pansy?


Jm0311 said:
when my dick is as hard as a rock when im 35 you will be envious.

6 months on avodart

i masturbate at least 6 times per day.


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Jm0311 said:
when my dick is as hard as a rock when im 35 you will be envious.

I'm taking Avodart and Propecia and my dick is harder than a rock. I masterbate as often as I want, whenever I want, and can shoot 3 feet easily. My sex drive is in over drive.


collegechemistrystudent said:
Jm0311 said:
when my dick is as hard as a rock when im 35 you will be envious.

I'm taking Avodart and Propecia and my dick is harder than a rock. I masterbate as often as I want, whenever I want, and can shoot 3 feet easily. My sex drive is in over drive.

again, why are you taking proscar every day and dutas eod?

but i guess DHT is not as important for sexual health as some on here claim. 90%+ of mine has been eliminated and I can still get it up so easily.


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barcafan...you are so right.

yea my hair is just so healthy right now...and i read the other threads about starting finasteride. getting massive sheds...hair getting thinner and stuff...i mean my hair is great now...hardly notice im thinning..i just dont wanna aggravate it really


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Jm0311 said:
will you be in 5 yrs?
A considerable number of men begin experiencing changes in erection intensity around that age a specialist once told me, so I'll do whatever at that time (if needs be) to adapt to the natural changes which will occur irrespective of my use of products like finasteride.


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JayMan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
Jm0311 said:
when my dick is as hard as a rock when im 35 you will be envious.

I'm taking Avodart and Propecia and my dick is harder than a rock. I masterbate as often as I want, whenever I want, and can shoot 3 feet easily. My sex drive is in over drive.

again, why are you taking proscar every day and dutas eod?

but i guess DHT is not as important for sexual health as some on here claim. 90%+ of mine has been eliminated and I can still get it up so easily.

Just in case some time in the future something turns out to not be real. I doubt it though.


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hmm maibe some of the guys with libido "sides" are mostly older guys that just cant accept that they are quite old and whats happening is just natural :lol:
And as it seams some people at this forum alsow take anti depresents... maibe that alsow has a reaction to the libido.. and maibe its not tha finasteride but alot of the other crap some people take... its strange that a medicine like finasteride that has very few and low % at sides gets so much trouble here.. while many are on other drugs that causes alot worse sides lol...
Just felt like leting it out there :lol: