Went from NW1 to NW2 in 4 months


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Got a trichologist to check my hair out. Lost ground on my right temple, my left temple and my overall density has remained the same. I am now a NW2. They think they can get me back to a NW1.

I have some minutirization at the hairline, they recommended that I started minoxidil to regrow lost hair. My hairloss aside from my hairline is not bad.

Currently trying to maintain with nano shampoo, topical spironolactone, vitamins (cod liver oil, grapeseed extract, and blackcurrent oil).

Not sure what to do guys. If minoxidil is worth the risk.

I cant take propecia as I will be undergoing an op in the next few months.

Im 24.


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Pics or it didn't happen.

Just an FYI though - very few people tend to remain Norwood 1.5. It's usually a short in between phase. NW2 seems to be much more stable for most.


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Thickandthin said:
Pics or it didn't happen.

Just an FYI though - very few people tend to remain Norwood 1.5. It's usually a short in between phase. NW2 seems to be much more stable for most.







Wet hair:



Right now I can hide the recession, Jude Law style. But, I really miss being a NW1. Scared it might worsen.


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I get real pissed at threads like this. I'm 22 and would kill for as much hair as you. I can't see any significant recession at all on you, and your crown looks completely normal. If I passed you on the street I wouldn't think anything was amiss with your hair.


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It's you again.. you have PERFECT HAIR! What are you doing here? I'd kill to have your hair.. I really hope you are playing a cruel joke on all of us.


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zeroheat said:
It's you again.. you have PERFECT HAIR! What are you doing here? I'd kill to have your hair.. I really hope you are playing a cruel joke on all of us.

I dont understand, then why did my tricologist try to get me on minoxidil if it is so great?


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It's a lot easier to tell a patient to get on minoxidil than to try and break their delusion that they have hair loss. Perhaps he also sells the minoxidil.


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Boondock said:
It's a lot easier to tell a patient to get on minoxidil than to try and break their delusion that they have hair loss. Perhaps he also sells the minoxidil.

Yeah they do sell the minoxidil.

For sure though my hairline is not the same as it was, hairline 2 years back was a perfect ------------------ line. Plus, I have definently lost ground on one temple over the last 4 months.

I dont know if it is stable now or what, its hard to tell; but i really dont want to lose any more hair.


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I can't speak for what your hair used to be like, but from the way you look now I wouldn't even think of you as receding if I walked past you in the street. And I'm pretty bloody cynical about these things.

As everyone constantly says, plenty of guys develop a more "mature" hairline without experiencing male pattern baldness. Yours might turn out to be full-blown male pattern baldness after all, but it might not be.


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You have a long way to go until you are even considered a NW2.

You are probably the very definition of someone with a mature hairline - a very minor one at that.


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Thickandthin said:
You have a long way to go until you are even considered a NW2.

You are probably the very definition of someone with a mature hairline - a very minor one at that.

How does a NW2 look like?


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Its all in your mind...You are nowhere near a NW2 in my opinion...Just calm down and stop your obsession now before it totally possesses you.Get a second opinion from a decent Doctor and get back :)