Well it finally came down to this!


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I have been reading on this forum for a good while now picked up a lot of stuff, by the way thank you to everyone that post here. Ok so here it goes im finally going to take some action, i am not that bad yet 22 year old male diffuse thinner. Only problem is i do not know where to start! Should i go with propecia right away or just start with rogaine and see how that goes? Im afraid if i start something and then stop it i will be worse then when i started!!! Also side effects that are irresiable. Please point me to the right direction on where to begin. Currently all i am using is nizoral shampoo and taking some vitamins! Again i just recently started balding maybe 10months ago. Thank you very much!


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Also what i failed to mention is that i am very big into body building i do take many supplements to help me achieve this, is there anything i should worry about mixing possibly propecia with my supplements?


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if it's maintenance u want, minoxidil will get u nowhere. get on finasteride asap. if you're scared of side effects, try it out on 0.25mg or 0.5mg first. and side effects ARE reversible once you're off finasteride.
about bodybuilding... everyone reacts to finasteride differently, but it probably would've helped me in this area since i feel more energetic now and up for exercise.


Well, I recommend to try 1mg of Finasteride at first and reduce the dosage if you actually get sides. Don´t worry about sides before you actually get them.


Airforce1 said:
Also what i failed to mention is that i am very big into body building i do take many supplements to help me achieve this, is there anything i should worry about mixing possibly propecia with my supplements?

can you list the supplements?


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MPBWarrior said:
if it's maintenance u want, minoxidil will get u nowhere. get on finasteride asap. if you're scared of side effects, try it out on 0.25mg or 0.5mg first. and side effects ARE reversible once you're off finasteride.
about bodybuilding... everyone reacts to finasteride differently, but it probably would've helped me in this area since i feel more energetic now and up for exercise.

Ummmm.....no minoxidil is good at maintenance.


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and side effects ARE reversible once you're off finasteride

...unfortunate in some people the sides are not reversible

Far Too Young

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badday said:
and side effects ARE reversible once you're off finasteride

...unfortunate in some people the sides are not reversible

Side effects are rare to begin with. Furthermore, the levels of DHT in your body rebound almost immediate when discontinuing the drug, mitigating side effects quickly. Some is a very small portion of users.


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viperfish said:
MPBWarrior said:
if it's maintenance u want, minoxidil will get u nowhere. get on finasteride asap. if you're scared of side effects, try it out on 0.25mg or 0.5mg first. and side effects ARE reversible once you're off finasteride.
about bodybuilding... everyone reacts to finasteride differently, but it probably would've helped me in this area since i feel more energetic now and up for exercise.

Ummmm.....no minoxidil is good at maintenance.

I think what he means is that finasteride stops the underlying damage to the hair follicle whereas minoxidil doesn't but just forces the hair to keep growing. This is why if you stop taking finasteride you just continue to bald at the rate you were balding before you started. If you stop minoxidil however you will lose the minoxidil dependent hairs in a very short time since the follicles have been severely damaged.


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Currently my list of supplements is protein, creatine, glutamine multi vitamins and a legal form of HGH.


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Unfortunately body building and hairloss go hand in hand if you are prone to male pattern baldness. It would be impossible in my oppinion to keep the hair you have and take supplements to promote musclegrowth. I made a choice I'd use nothing but proteins and try to maintain hair rather than going for muscles and be completely bald by the age of 30.


Apoc said:
Unfortunately body building and hairloss go hand in hand if you are prone to male pattern baldness. It would be impossible in my oppinion to keep the hair you have and take supplements to promote musclegrowth. I made a choice I'd use nothing but proteins and try to maintain hair rather than going for muscles and be completely bald by the age of 30.

creatine and glutamine do not cause hair loss. don't know about HGH but one can definitely use creatine and glutamine and protein powder and work out as intensely as they want without fear of losing hair BECAUSE of it.

post some proof for your assertions. creatine has not been associated w/ hairloss in ANY studies I have seen and from reading about its mechanism there is no obvious reason why it would. never heard of glutamine doing it either.

sometimes hair loss can appear to have weird cycles. you'll go through a period of a few months or a year where there isn't much change, then the hair loss speeds up for a bit, only to slow down again later. people may have been using creatine during the high-speed loss phases so they blame it on the drugs instead of their genetics.


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Thanks jayman your a great assest to this forum, i would like your advice to propecia. I know there has been talk of side effects breast enlargement sexual side effects etc. we all heard the stories. This is what im unsure of whether if i do get these side effects ive heard once you get off everything is back to normal. But i have been doing some research and found cases were men never went back to normal and have been dealing with thise for years. Basically i want to know your opinion on this and where u stand.


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Jay: I think I didn't express myself clear enough. The word supplements was improperly used in my case. Supplements like proteins, creatine etc are no problem but sooner or later steroids come into play when you hit your genetic plateau that you can't get over it. Especialy when your friends start taking them and get much better gains.


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It all depends on how seriously you take bodybuilding most people who say they're into the sport are merely interested in having a body that they think will attract women rather than wanting to actually compete, and these people may be using supplements like creatine ect but are not likely to go for such extreme measures as taking steriods.


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I bet 90% of models that you see on cover of the magazines who promote healthy life & appearance like Men's Health etc. take steroids. I know that a lot of male models here take them. So steroids are not used exclusively by the people who want to compete.


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OK mainly used by people who compete and models who make a living from their bodies, but not the average gym member.


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I have to agree with saf, i myself am very big in the sport of bodybuilding and have been for years now. Never competed professionaly but have yet or plan to take steriods ever. What my orginal question was would basic supplements as i listed above would they be effected by propecia or rogaine or anything else i can use to battle with my hairloss?


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IMO, no


Apoc said:
Jay: I think I didn't express myself clear enough. The word supplements was improperly used in my case. Supplements like proteins, creatine etc are no problem but sooner or later steroids come into play when you hit your genetic plateau that you can't get over it. Especialy when your friends start taking them and get much better gains.

well i'll never take steroids and never did even when i was big into working out. getting into it again and i will never take them. its possible to have a great natural body without steroids.