Wearing a hair system because it's better quality hair than your bio hair


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One thing that's occurred to me since I started wearing hair systems is that they can be better quality hair than your own real hair. Most people wear hair systems due to balding, receding and thinning hair, but what they don't mention is that hair systems can actually give you better quality hair, especially if you're someone who just never had that 'nice hair' that you always admired on other people.

For me, although I still have bio hair on the back and sides of my head, it is much lower quality hair than the hair system I wear. My bio hair is getting more wispy, and is much harder to tame and style than the hair system. It's also unpredictably wavy and annoying to style, and even if I straighten it, it doesn't take long before it goes all wavy and annoying again.

As a guy going for the long haired rock musician look, the hair system has allowed me to get that glossy rock star hair look that I have dreamed about my whole life. Even when my hair wasn't thinning or receding on top, the quality of my bio hair just was never amazing and I always hated the unpredictability of my hair. The hair system is much more predictable to style, and the hair stays in place without going into annoying waves and curls etc.

That and I don't have to worry about my hair system going grey (unless I choose to), and it also doesn't get greasy and lank like bio hair does after a week or so.

Many people look at hair systems as a negative, which they've had to wear due to hair loss, but they can actually be an upgrade for your hair if you think of it this way. I see the hair system not only as a way to cover my balding/receeding/thinning area, but also as a way to get much better looking and quality hair than I would have even with a full head of my bio hair.


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I feel the same way - it is an upgrade in many cases. When I first starting wearing, my initial thoughts were 'wow, I haven't had hair like this since I was 21 years old!' (I had great hair back then). I have since had to tame back the system hair because - for me - realism is more important than looking perfect.

So I guess what I'm saying is that, yes it's an amazing feeling to have wonderful hair again, but just be sure not to be that guy whose hair looks completely out of place on his head! Unfortunately hairpieces aren't accepted like makeup is for women.

But certainly, if I was 25 years old and had thinning hair, I would love to rock a long 6" or 8" hairpiece and style it freely.


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I agree myhair can be almost straw like, but like deg said i think sometimes it might look too good especially as you age.
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I was about NW2/3 when I started wearing, but my remaining hair was horribly thin and dry. I’d go as far as to say I’ve never had hair as good as this!!


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Hate my bio hair, so just undercut & use as much as toupee hair as possible. I also wear a piece that's bigger than my thinning areas...


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I'm in my 40s and have struggled with thin bio hair since I can remember. If I was much younger I would have totally skipped the fina drug route and jumped straight into a hair system, for the reason of wearing a better style of hair instead of fighting to cover up what I had. I always hated the fact I could never get the style I wanted and had to settle for a haircut that would give me better coverage.


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I'm in my 40s and have struggled with thin bio hair since I can remember. If I was much younger I would have totally skipped the fina drug route and jumped straight into a hair system, for the reason of wearing a better style of hair instead of fighting to cover up what I had. I always hated the fact I could never get the style I wanted and had to settle for a haircut that would give me better coverage.

Good point.

Life and everything in it is temporary, a fleeting moment in existence. So make use of that time as best you can. I wish I had started earlier too.