We killed Bin Laden! f*** your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

squeegee said:
So what the Autralians are doing here then lol?? They are members of the Nato and do the same job as everybody here including the Americans. America have just more people and equipments. :bravo:

My opinion on that should be obvious by the tone of my posts, our troops should be at home. Every poll run in Aus recently on the topic has said the same thing. Oddly enough that is true for USA, they want their troops home, not dying for oil and idiocy.

Every American death is as tragic and useless as an Aussie, Middle Eastern or European death in this 'war'.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Aussiavordart I truly pray that you get your way and we abandon the ME and then the ME can blame and jihad someone else. I always said we should stay out. That includes billions of dollars in support too. I can see troops coming home as a realistic practical happening. Just good old fashion common horse since. But when people rant on about how the US needs to stop all influence in the ME I notice this to be a panacea fantasy. Please tell me does this include all business dealings between companies too? I would also like to see realistic opinions what would happen if the US truly left the ME (if that were even possible, LOL.) Would Saudi and Israel be next? Who or what dictator or strong man would fill the vacuum? How long before war breaks out in the ME and they call on us again for help? Would love to sit back and see what happens. Maybe China will be better oil partners etc. Good luck, good buy, would be my fantasy scenario.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
Aussiavordart I truly pray that you get your way and we abandon the ME and then the ME can blame and jihad someone else. I always said we should stay out. That includes billions of dollars in support too. I can see troops coming home as a realistic practical happening. Just good old fashion common horse since. But when people rant on about how the US needs to stop all influence in the ME I notice this to be a panacea fantasy. Please tell me does this include all business dealings between companies too? I would also like to see realistic opinions what would happen if the US truly left the ME (if that were even possible, LOL.) Would Saudi and Israel be next? Who or what dictator or strong man would fill the vacuum? How long before war breaks out in the ME and they call on us again for help? Would love to sit back and see what happens. Maybe China will be better oil partners etc. Good luck, good buy, would be my fantasy scenario.

Firstly nobody in the middle east has asked for America's help, or at least not the type of 'help' that America has offered. All the polls show the exact opposite- they want the US out because they feel it's completely destabilized the region (which it has) and they don't much appreciate Washington funneling cash and weapons to their autocratic rulers who shoot them for protesting(surprise surprise)

You still seem adamant when that when the West goes to war in places like the Middle East, it's for humanitarian reasons. It couldn't be further from the truth. It's nothing more than a false pretense used to gain control of key strategic regions. Are you not the least bit suspicious about why we are so eager to send the cavalry to Libya in the name of freedom but the massacres in Bahrain, Syria and the Sahara go on with little more than weak condemnation and even approval like Hillary Clinton gave to the Bahrain government?

As for what happens in the Middle East without western involvement that's for the people of that region to decide, not us. Self determination means just that. What will the place look like when the US/EU/Australia etc leave? Well, we have only made it worse when we went in there so it's not like it can get any further south. We've already watched Egyptian, Syrian, Tunisian and Bahraini protesters putting themselves in front of tanks and armies to try and get democracy and basic rights for themselves so I don't agree with anyone who tries to characterize those places as doomed states where the people only understand force and civil war. That's just a racist, anti-Arab stereotype.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

aussieavodart said:
hairrific said:
Aussiavordart I truly pray that you get your way and we abandon the ME and then the ME can blame and jihad someone else. I always said we should stay out. That includes billions of dollars in support too. I can see troops coming home as a realistic practical happening. Just good old fashion common horse since. But when people rant on about how the US needs to stop all influence in the ME I notice this to be a panacea fantasy. Please tell me does this include all business dealings between companies too? I would also like to see realistic opinions what would happen if the US truly left the ME (if that were even possible, LOL.) Would Saudi and Israel be next? Who or what dictator or strong man would fill the vacuum? How long before war breaks out in the ME and they call on us again for help? Would love to sit back and see what happens. Maybe China will be better oil partners etc. Good luck, good buy, would be my fantasy scenario.

Firstly nobody in the middle east has asked for America's help, or at least not the type of 'help' that America has offered. All the polls show the exact opposite- they want the US out because they feel it's completely destabilized the region (which it has) and they don't much appreciate Washington funneling cash and weapons to their autocratic rulers who shoot them for protesting(surprise surprise)

You still seem adamant when that when the West goes to war in places like the Middle East, it's for humanitarian reasons. It couldn't be further from the truth. It's nothing more than a false pretense used to gain control of key strategic regions. Are you not the least bit suspicious about why we are so eager to send the cavalry to Libya in the name of freedom but the massacres in Bahrain, Syria and the Sahara go on with little more than weak condemnation and even approval like Hillary Clinton gave to the Bahrain government?

As for what happens in the Middle East without western involvement that's for the people of that region to decide, not us. Self determination means just that. What will the place look like when the US/EU/Australia etc leave? Well, we have only made it worse when we went in there so it's not like it can get any further south. We've already watched Egyptian, Syrian, Tunisian and Bahraini protesters putting themselves in front of tanks and armies to try and get democracy and basic rights for themselves so I don't agree with anyone who tries to characterize those places as doomed states where the people only understand force and civil war. That's just a racist, anti-Arab stereotype.

Why such hate for America? Why you always blame the f*****g West???? Us, Canadian we are here since 2001 way before U.S. showed up in this shithole. Afghanistan is a miserable place to live.. any help is good. I flew over Kandahar city many times this year..this place smell like f*****g sh*t/death. Western involvement? WTF... France, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, UK, Romania, Italy, UAE,............. the whole f*****g NATO is here. USA have more troops and equipments on the ground because they are a Superpower. Aussi..you sound like a broken record..You are the perfect example of the anti-American steterotype.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

squeegee said:
Us, Canadian we are here since 2001 way before U.S. showed up in this shithole.

First troops on the ground were US and UK in October 2001...


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

squeegee said:
Why such hate for America? Why you always blame the f****ing West????

I've already outlined my objections to Western involvement in Afghanistan and Middle Eastern countries Squeegee, I'm not going to keep repeating myself. It's bad for us and it's bad for them.

Protesting the crimes of our governments does not make somebody 'anti-western'.

You are the perfect example of the anti-American steterotype.

That is just some jingoistic phrase you've picked up from somebody else. It makes you look foolish and easily led. Use your own mind and develop your own arguments and your own position rather than resorting to group-think ideological warfare.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

powersam said:
squeegee said:
Us, Canadian we are here since 2001 way before U.S. showed up in this shithole.

First troops on the ground were US and UK in October 2001...

First troops invading Afghanistan were US and UK.. BTW.. you Aussies are not that perfect.. you guys participated to the invasion of Iraq without the UN authorization! remember? ooops!I understand you guys point that the troops should be home and we should leave Afghanistan alone.. but there is too much invested.. There is more than the war against the Taliban..we know it, by looking of the size of the infractustures of KAF and the Fobs, The U.S. and others contingents are here to stay.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

aussieavodart said:
squeegee said:
So what the Autralians are doing here then lol??

doing what they do best: being obedient little vassal-state b****s

:woot: So you think that serving your country makes you that. Interesting.

And in the mean time you are sitting in your ivory tower enjoying the freedoms and blessings of a nation that has given you the opportunity to have many blessings. YET you slander your fellow countrymen. I bet you are not a citizen there are you, your home land is somewhere else but you take advantage of the one you are in, and I have never heard you say anything good.

Why not spend your time on earth attacking the greater of the two evils? How about LANDMINES. Will you join the cause with me!!! These would be a justified evil for YOU to attack, yet you spend your LIFE slandering those that can actually make a difference for good through a political system that believes in a peaceful political process for all people. This system does not respond positively to violence, never will. Martin Luther King knew that, you and yours still don't get it. GET IT ? Want the nations to give you what you want MR? I just gave you a way and an answer. I guess you can lead a camel to water but cannot make him drink it.

You are not fooling anyone with your twisted logic into thinking you are a saint Aussieavordart. It is scary how you preach your false doctrine about how the ME was some glorious peaceful place of tolerance on earth in the modern era before the USA and the UN through a majority mandates had to go there and BABYSIT some dictators ***.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
:woot: So you think that serving your country makes you that. Interesting.

I'm not so deluded as to believe that hollywood-esque idea that simply joining an army and fighting wars in far away places are enough to meet the definition of serving one's country, especially when that war is illegal, not in our interest to fight and wasn't executed with the approval of the public.

I won't give respect to somebody simply because he or she wears a uniform and spews cliches about defending freedom and dignity while participating in a war which denies people those very things.

Obviously that won't resonate with you because you are yet to grow out of your servility to and worship of state authority. I urge you to work on that for your own good.

And in the mean time you are sitting in your ivory tower enjoying the freedoms and blessings of a nation that has given you the opportunity to have many blessings.

Yes we all know real patriots don't criticize their country. Ever. And especially not in a time of war when it's the patriot's duty to blindly follow their government, do as their told and support the war effort no matter what.

What's with your hostility towards free speech?

btw the freedoms you and me enjoy came about by people criticizing their governments, not being subordinate to them which is what you would seemingly prefer.

YET you slander your fellow countrymen. I bet you are not a citizen there are you, your home land is somewhere else but you take advantage of the one you are in, and I have never heard you say anything good.

another fascinating insight into Harrific's small minded world view- at the core of every critic is merely an ungrateful immigrant!


Why not spend your time on earth attacking the greater of the two evils? How about LANDMINES. Will you join the cause with me!!! These would be a justified evil for YOU to attack, yet you spend your LIFE slandering those that can actually make a difference for good through a political system that believes in a peaceful political process for all people. This system does not respond positively to violence, never will. Martin Luther King knew that, you and yours still don't get it. GET IT ? Want the nations to give you what you want MR? I just gave you a way and an answer. I guess you can lead a camel to water but cannot make him drink it.

Now you're give me advice about peace activism?

This is gold.

You are not fooling anyone with your twisted logic into thinking you are a saint Aussieavordart. It is scary how you preach your false doctrine about how the ME was some glorious peaceful place of tolerance on earth in the modern era before the USA and the UN through a majority mandates had to go there and BABYSIT some dictators ***.

I'll blame that last paragraph on the failures of the education system.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

squeegee said:
powersam said:
squeegee said:
Us, Canadian we are here since 2001 way before U.S. showed up in this shithole.

First troops on the ground were US and UK in October 2001...

First troops invading Afghanistan were US and UK.. BTW.. you Aussies are not that perfect.. you guys participated to the invasion of Iraq without the UN authorization! remember? ooops!I understand you guys point that the troops should be home and we should leave Afghanistan alone.. but there is too much invested.. There is more than the war against the Taliban..we know it, by looking of the size of the infractustures of KAF and the Fobs, The U.S. and others contingents are here to stay.

I don't hold the american people responsible for what their government does, nor do I always agree with what mine does.

The U.S. and others contingents are here to stay.

Well that goes completely against everything claimed at the beginning of the war, and since then.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

The official story of 9/11 is impossible. any body who believes it is an idiot.
you people will believe the gov if it told u that the sun is red


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

BARCA said:
The official story of 9/11 is impossible. any body who believes it is an idiot.

Really? So what do you believe is the truth about 9/11?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

BARCA said:
The official story of 9/11 is impossible. any body who believes it is an idiot.
you people will believe the gov if it told u that the sun is red

Because setting up a plan to kill your own people so you have a reason to invade a shithole like Afghanistan makes way more senses...lol There is nothing here except zombies in sandals and 11 millions mines. :shakehead:


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

BARCA said:
The official story of 9/11 is impossible. any body who believes it is an idiot.
you people will believe the gov if it told u that the sun is red

BARCA, you and me both know the lunar landing is a fake and man never walked on the moon, a Hollywood propaganda lie concocted by the United States government. Even Aussieavodart knows that!



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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Okay but seriously.

I saw that someone found this cell phone in the OBL raid on the body of the runner in Pakistan and it had calls to a high ranking military guy in Pakistan. The news header said it was Proof that Pakistan was helping OBL.

1000's wrote in to commit and said things like kill the Pakistanis, you can imagine the things said....

I thought it would be more balanced because there is still no hard proof, just because he was talking to one Pakistan general on the phone does not prove anything. Also the media is saying that because OBL was found in killed in Pakistan that it might prove that they were helping him. Just a bunch of sensationalism!

My point is sometimes I feel the media and people are acting like apes being to quick to judge and degrading to soon without sufficient evidence.

See I can step in someone else shoes and see there side (when not being shot at by them that is). :)


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

I went to Yuma Arizona prior to my deployment and had the privilege to meet the Delta team and hung-out with them for 3 weeks.... Good times!


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

squeegee said:
I went to Yuma Arizona prior to my deployment and had the privilege to meet the Delta team and hung-out with them for 3 weeks.... Good times!

Army training was probably one of the most entertaining things I've ever done... I was physically worn out, but it was worth it... It was non stop, we wouldn't go to bed till midnight and we used to get up at 5.30-6am, and we used to be woken up at night as well. It was all about getting used to the harsh conditions. We even used to get stupid homeworks just to keep us busy at all times.

I wouldn't do it again, and I wouldn't let my future kids do it but I enjoyed the experience.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Some interesting & strange facts surrounding 9/11:

http://listverse.com/2010/08/27/10-even ... tember-11/

Abnormal Stock Trading

In the week prior to 9/11, an “extraordinary†amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks. If you are unfamiliar with the stock market, a put option is financial contract between two parties that will offer the buyer insurance against a company’s excessive loss. Someone who purchases a put option is expecting a stock to drop or they are protecting their assets. Between September 6 and 7, 4,744 put options were purchased on United Airlines stock, compared to 396 call options. On September 10, 4,516 put options were purchased on American Airlines, as compared to 748 call options. The trading activity was 600% above the normal level. United and American Airlines were the only two companies who had planes hijacked on 9/11. There were also an abnormal number of put options purchased in companies who had a stake in the World Trade Centers.

The majority of the suspicious trading was linked to Deutsche Bank Alex Brown. On September 12, 2001, the head of the bank, Mayo A. Shattuck III, resigned from office. The previous director of the bank was A. B. Krongard, who is the former head of the CIA. Citigroup Inc and Morgan Stanley also received an abnormal number of put options, and both companies held offices in the World Trade Centers, and saw a decrease in stock price after the attacks. On September 10, 2001, Raytheon, a defense contractor, had an anomalously high number of call options traded. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation, in which Osama Bin Laden was a suspect, but no action was taken. The trading was traced to areas all over the world, with most activity occurring in the UK, Italy, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, France and the US.

In the days prior to 9/11, the Chicago Exchange saw the highest number of United and American Airlines options traded in history. The names of the investors remain a mystery, because they never claimed their money. After it was discovered that a single U.S.-based institutional investor, with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda, purchased a large amount of these options, the 9/11 Commission dismissed the importance of the events. Unfortunately, the abnormal trading did not tip off law enforcement, as intelligence agencies constantly monitor the stock exchange and the sudden rise in activity could have allowed analysts to “connect the dots†and see that a major event was about to take place involving American Airlines, United Airlines and The World Trade Centers. However, nobody could have imagined the scale of the tragedy.

Executive Order 13233

In 1972, thousands of official and unofficial FBI records were destroyed, upon the death of J. Edgar Hoover. In fact, in the past it was common practice for high ranking officials to destroy their most important business documents. For this reason, in 1974 the US Congress passed the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, placing the presidential records of Richard Nixon in federal custody to prevent their destruction. The Act was meant to reduce secrecy at the highest levels of government, and to give historians the materials they need to perform their duties. The Presidential Records Act of 1978 expanded such protection of historical records. This was accomplished by mandating that all records of former presidents automatically become the property of the federal government upon leaving the Oval Office.

The presidential papers of Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush were due to be made public when George W. Bush took office in January, 2001. However, George W. Bush first delayed the release for 90 days, and then repeated the action, pushing the date back into September, 2001. On November 1, 2001, Bush issued Executive Order 13233, limiting public access to the records of former U.S. presidents. The Bush executive order also includes the documents of former vice presidents. Many people were critical of this action, claiming that it violated both the “spirit and letter of existing US laws.†The order severely curtailed public access to presidential records and added to delays in obtaining materials from presidential libraries. On January 21, 2009, Executive Order 13233 was revoked, by executive order of President Barack Obama on his first day in office. Obama essentially restored the original Executive Order 12667.

During his presidency, George W. Bush was accused of acting in violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978. In 2007, the Bush White House e-mail controversy was revealed. The event started when George W. Bush initiated the unprecedented midterm dismissal of seven United States Attorneys, on December 7, 2006. The U.S. attorneys were replaced with interim appointees, under provisions in the 2005 USA PATRIOT Act reauthorization. Following the action, a congressional request was called looking for documents indicating why the attorneys were fired. This caused the Bush administration to reveal the fact that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain, that was hosted on an e-mail server not controlled by the federal government. In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted by the Bush administration.

Nimda Virus

In the months before and after September 11, 2001, the United States was bombarded with a series of cyber attacks. A group of criminals exposed vulnerabilities in the Microsoft operating system, and created a buffer overflow virus, which executed arbitrary code and infected hundreds of thousands of computers. By July 19, 2001, the amount of infected hosts reached over 350,000 zombies. A series of separate viruses named Code Red I and Code Red II crippled valuable servers and made calculated attacks on US government computers.

On September 18, 2001, a new virus attacked United States operating systems. The worm was given the name Nimda, and it was an advanced version of Code Red II. Some might say that the Code Red viruses were created in preparation for the much larger Nimda attack, which was executed the week following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Due to the release date of the virus, members of the American government speculated on a link between the cyber attacks and Al Qaeda, but this theory ended up proving unfounded. The American media did not report much on the virus because of the terrorist attacks.

Multiple propagation vectors allowed Nimda to become the Internet’s most widespread and dangerous virus. It took only 22 minutes for the worm to rip through the American financial sector, causing over $3 billion in damage. The Nimda virus was so effective because it used five different infection vectors. People could, and still can, get the virus via e-mail, open network shares, infected websites, exploitation or via back doors left behind by the Code Red II virus. The group of people behind the Nimda virus and the theft of billions of dollars are unknown. The event greatly damaged the world’s financial sector and economy.

2001 Anthrax Attacks

Most people are familiar with the wave of anthrax attacks waged against the United States in the weeks following September, 11. Beginning on September 18, a group of letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to US media outlets, and the offices of two US senators. In all, five people were killed in the terrorist activity, and seventeen others were seriously affected. The letters addressed to the US senators, Democrats Tom Daschle of South Dakota and Patrick Leahy of Vermont, were laced with a highly refined dry anthrax powder. Shortly after the first wave of attacks, two letters were sent to the New York Post and NBC News. The letters contained threats mentioning 9/11, and implied a new wave of terrorist activity. For this reason, it was highly reported in America that Al-Qaeda was behind the 2001 anthrax attacks.

On September 11, George W. Bush and the White House staff began taking a regimen of Cipro, which is a powerful antibiotic. This activity has led to a list of conspiracy theories accusing the US government of having pre-knowledge of the anthrax attacks. The investigation into the crimes was one of the longest and most complex in the history of law enforcement. Ultimately, investigators began to focus their attention on an American scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins. Ivins worked at the US government’s biodefense labs at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. After extensive research, on August 6, 2008, federal prosecutors declared Bruce Edwards Ivins to be the sole culprit of the 2001 anthrax attacks. He committed suicide on July 29, 2008, after learning that he was going to be formally charged with the crimes. One would think that a media circus would have ensued, but little was mentioned about Bruce Edwards Ivins in the US press. His motives for blaming the attacks on Al-Qaeda are unknown.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Viens said:
Some interesting & strange facts surrounding 9/11:

There is some serious lack of evidence supporting any of those claims.

I have never understood some of these conspiracy theories. Government cover ups exist...of course they do. But conspiracy theorists give an amazing amount of credit and legitimacy to some very incompetent people.