wat type of hair loss i have (pics inc) & thymuskin


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hey bros..... i noe i have been posting for some advice, however i could not get a convincing reply perhaps theres no pics attached.... here are the break down of my pics(some are taken with parting some are not).....


as u can see that it is diffuse in the middle straight up like a middle finger shape. and genralised thinning above the hairline....
hairline seems ok except abit of diffuse here and there...

went to dematologist and he told me i might be having signs of male pattern baldness or it may be due to accutane whcih i took for the last 8 months. Asked me to wait for 3-6 months to see if there is any regrowth or if im worried i can try on minoxidil but advised me not to take propecia as im young (21 this yr) now in a dilemma ..... i have heard some goods results with thymuskin
any comments? kindly advised ur comments is much appreciated...


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Im no expert ! but if you feel like you losing hair or its getting thinner .. my advice would be to get on propecia and nizoral 2% , then go for the minoxidil 5% later if propecia doesnt work

Im 24 and started at 22 using the big 3 . It has helped alot , temple and hairline area.. without i remember my hair was going to worse!!

good luck


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thx bro, i thk we are in the same boat, but ur much more better
so hows ur hairline or rather hair quality and volume?
nizoral does it really help? i dun really have dandruff.
do we have to depend on propecia for life?


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well, dont know your situation , my dad is bald .. so i new it was coming. I have kept the same hairline !! I have never felt this good about my hairline ( confidence that is) and improved it , thx god!!!, the thinning hairs have become thicker. The best thing to do is to inform yourself here on these forums and keep an eye on your affected area.. if the hair is thinning .. then u must decide if you want to treat or not. But for me the 3 are working fine ( the sooner you start the better, remember what you have is easier to keep than to grow lost hairs) and without i now it would be much worse. Yea you would have to stick with the treatment for life until a better treatment is developed!



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hey barry, your hairline seems alot like mine, my temples have receded more than yours, especially the right one. is that the case with you? I havent started any treatment as yet, which is dumb cause i'm losing more and more hair by the day. you got a history of male pattern baldness in the family?

too young for propecia? quite a few people on this forum have started it even at the age of 18 and 19. i personally dont wanna try it cause i dont wanna take a chance with the side effects.

does your skin flake?

am thinking of trying ZIX with minoxidil but am told different contradicting stuff about ZIX...some say it works, others say it doesnt. then again the same ingredients + more are used in revivogen and ppl report good results with that as an inhibitor..dunno..i'm as confused as you are..

best of luck


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dude it doesnt look like ur losing ur hair..... i dont kno how ur hairline is naturally so i cant tell if there is recession.... personally male pattern baldness obsessed people will see my hairline and say it's going back but ive had this high hairline all my life.... ur density from those pictures looks pretty damn good.... so at this point i would say it's all upto wheather or not u feel like ur loosing density or u are actually losing an abnormal amount of hair....if i am not mistaken u are asian and i personally have known many asians with naturally thin hair... the short answer to all that....is go see a doctor and it's hard to tell from those pictures with out older ones


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hi guys, my family has no history of hairloss except for one uncle who is a alopecia universalis( whole body no hair). however is due to thyriod problems. anyway dunno i should take propecia or minoxidil first?
wat do u guys think?
does propecia work for all kind of hairloss?
hmmmm, since minoxidil is only a growth stimulator and it is a hassle i thk i would probably opt out for it... the most i will go is the big 2, nizoral n propecia.... but how long can propecia work for us? will our body be immune to it?
hmmm... pondering!!!!

by the way guys, i heard of this brand called thymuskin , it claims itself to be better than propecia n minoxidil, cuz the growth is quite permanant.... it is available in singapore by the way and its located at jln bt merah....
wat do u guys think?


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hey barry u can try using the thy muskin but Nizoral has been known to work,,,,,,u from Singapore rite...me too.....dont go for Biolyn if u have genetic hair loss...i have tried it and its of no use....


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different people develop a resistance to the drug in different amounts of time ranging from as little as 3 months to several years.


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if you dont have a familiy of hairloss then dont start a treatment yet.When you see your situation get worse then decide, now it looks fine.

good luck


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dammit, you have beautiful hair.

I would KILL (small animals that is) for your hair.
lucky sh*t.

personally, i think you are receding. get on propecia and forget about it.


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thx bros for the replies..... i noe im losing it it in the centre..... it was like 2 months ago i cant even part my hair it was so thick that i have to use gel to seperate it......i genreraaly have most of my hair haveing 2-3 stands attached to one follicle ... so i can say its damn thick...

my hair follicles as i can see are getting lesser n lesser i could see abit of scalp with some thiny short hair in some areas though, dunno whether its the dying hair or the new ones coming up...

does it mean that when u dun see any black dots on the scalp means that the open scalp will not produce any hair anymore?

anyway the dematologist told me i have hereditary mbp but that is when i have not told him that i have no family history of bladness.

i would like to try thymuskin but it is way too expensive, 1 bottle of shampoo with the treatment gel is around SGD$300..... dunno whether is a scam....

anyway can i use minoxidil together with thymuskin treatment gel????