Wanting to start Rogaine Foam....how can I prevent shedding? Any other tips?


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Hey, so I'm wanting to start trying to thicken/regrow a little bit around the circled area in the photos below. I realize Propecia and all the other pills e.t.c.... are used to slow down hair loss altogether, but I'm not as worried about that as I am with just being able to "spot grow/thicken" the areas that I need to. Which right now is just near the front there.

I'm definitely a Norwood 2/2a, which I'm totally fine with, but I'd just like to thicken/regrow that area since my hair naturally parts on that side. The only thing I'm really worried about with using it is shedding. I know it doesn't happen for everyone, but I figure it probably happens to the majority somewhat.

I realize it'll take at least 4 or 5 months to see any progress really, but during that time I don't want the shedding to make that spot even worse than it is and have to walk around with one side of my head far more receded/thin than the other side. So any tips on preventing/stopping shedding? Any other tips for Rogaine Foam in general?

I just turned 27 and my hair has been almost the same since I was 21. I think the only thing that's gotten worse at all is the circled area. Thanks!

(by the way, the first photo is of the left side of my head, which I'm fine with for now. the circled area is the right side of my head)


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Established Member
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I too would also like advice as I am in the same boat. (My hair looks exactly the same as well.) I'm intending to use minoxidil foam on my hairline, as strongly recommended by a dermatologist. However, I fear the shedding and side effects (facial ageing, bloating).


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Been through some rough sheds (going through my worst one right now @ 2 years) b/c I wasn't being dedicated in using it everyday.

It will work- it's proven. How much shedding and how much re growth all depends on multiple factors (age, race, receptivity, if you're using nizoral and Finasteride).

All I can say is you WILL lose that hair for good if you don't treat it and try and reverse/slow it down).

This forum is great for support and we'll all try and see you through the tough parts ;)


Experienced Member
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Been through some rough sheds (going through my worst one right now @ 2 years) b/c I wasn't being dedicated in using it everyday.

It will work- it's proven. How much shedding and how much re growth all depends on multiple factors (age, race, receptivity, if you're using nizoral and Finasteride).

All I can say is you WILL lose that hair for good if you don't treat it and try and reverse/slow it down).

This forum is great for support and we'll all try and see you through the tough parts ;)
