Voidoid's Story - (21 / finasteride/nizoral began 8/14/10)


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Ok, so i've noticed that my hair has been going since i was about 19. I didn't really put too much stock in it though until about 8 months ago because I always wear my hair long, so any loss up until this point was pretty much not noticeable. Then it did become noticible, probably because I was losing anywhere between 50-100 hairs in the shower every day. After 5 months of freaking out and researching I visited my dermatologist who proscribed me proscar. entire hairline had moved back maybe about a half inch when I began taking a 1/4 pill and applying nizoral 1% every other day (baseline). In addition to this my temples were pretty receded and I was sorta diffuse.

3 and a half months later and my hairline has regressed (moved back) maybe a couple more millimeters, my hair has become much more diffuse, but there have been maybe 5-10 new, seemingly terminal, hairs that have sprouted up in front of my hairline. Shed has remained constant, where some days are worse than others.

picture time


right temple (baseline)

left temple (baseline)

2 months

right temple (2 months)

left temple (2 months)

3.5 months

right temple (3.5 months)

left temple (3.5 months)

I know that the pictures aren't the same lighting/angle , but i feel that they're pretty representative...as in things have gotten worse. Any advice or comments would be much appreciated.


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Hey, I am kind of your age (20) and I am on finasteride (1mg/day) for about 7,5 months now. I also lost ALOT of hair in the begining, and this lasted for maybe four months and my hair looked pretty bad in the front. However, there was a decrease in shedding after the fourth month and things are ( I think) looking up since around the 6th month. My advice to you is to stick with your regimen 1 year, than evaluate it. I do this aswell and if I am not satisfied then I'll start using minoxidil or other products. You can also look at your family members to predict further loss. Good luck with your treatments and (no homo) if you ever go bald I can see from the pictures that it'll suit you well since you have the right facial structure.


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Thanks man. I checked out your thread and it does seem that your hair is getting better, though it's hard to compare super short hair to longer hair. I'm definitly interested to see how it all turns out for you and wish you the best. My father is a good looking bald man, who lost his hair in his 20s. my brother is 25 and is maybe an Norwood 1.5, so I guess I just got the short end of the gene stick. You pretty much outlined my plan. I would hate to start on rogaine for the rest of my life when it's not entirely necessary, so I guess I have 8 more months until I have to make the decision on whether to add it or not.


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I'm a 20 year old male as of this year. I'm currentely I a norwood 2.5. judging by your hair, theirs density, thickness and overall course, stop stressing you have perfect sides. Stating finasteride, and minioxidol will bring back your hair line and maintain everything that you have.

Start off by getting a short cut, enough that your thick hair swoops over your hairline. If you'd like I can show you pictures of my receded hair line which is worse then yours, consequently I've maintained and are experiencing great improvement.

We are in the same boat, all through I started experiencing recession at the age of sixteen years old. At first baldness can seem painful, you need to work around these emotional effects and get on the prescriptions and get active.

Excersise, cannot stress this. Working out is part of the challenge behind baldness, you will acquire a lot of confidence.

Don't worry your a good looking guy.
If you need help or would like to compare your self with me check my topic. The picture makes my temples look so "bad", even so I can show you pictures and you will be blown away of how I style my short hair.


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4.5 months in and things have deteriorated. I would say that i'm about an NW3 now.



left side

right side

most of my loss seems to be coming off of the hairline. the front middle part has definitly been eaten away quite a bit. Also, my crown is showing a bald spot of about a quarter size. I've noticed that when some of the hairs on the middle part of my hairline fall out they are immediatly replaced with other, seemingly terminal, hairs, however this is sadly not the case most of the time. I continue to use generic quartered 5 mg finasteride from HyVee ($10 for 30 pills) as well as 1% nizoral every other day. comments? circumspection?


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does anyone experience this sort of hairline depletion while on finasteride before regrowth, or is this abnormal? the loss definitly seems to have sped up in the last month or so, so i'm hoping that it's just at the shed stage, but i'm really not seeing any signs of regrowth...f***.


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hmmm, maybe i'm a bit due for an update. I guess it's been 10 months.

The baby hairs that look optimistic around the edges are quite the opposite, it's where hair used to be but was gradually eroded over the last year. at this point I would like to try minoxidil but am leaving for a backpacking trip in south america in a month and minoxidil would not be realistic on such an excursion. I cut out the nizoral two months ago when I ran out and since I think it has been worsening at a faster pace. I guess I'll see where I'm at in a year when I return. The best of luck to you all.


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Hi voidoid. You can use minoxidil even if you're backpacking. it takes 2 minutes to apply, it's really really use. Before starting i tought it would be really really embarassing to do that but finally it's very quick. 2 drops on every temple morning and evening and that's it :)


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thanks hannibal, after your advice and seeing what minoxidil has done for people in my situation (finasteride not working) I've decided to give it a go. Hopefully that, the better lifestyle i'm sure to have and a decrease in :jackit: and :hump: will lead to a beneficial outcome. I ordered a 6 month supply of kirkland minoxidil 5%. I'll update with text while in south america since I won't have a computer.


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dude if u get on rogaine u will get your old hairline back no doubt, but u might need to use it for more than 6 moths tho. I used it for 7 and then at about 12 months my old hairline was BACK ; )

good luck bro


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wow, really wish I had taken your advice and started minoxidil a few months ago. My hair, especially in the front, has gotten alot worse...thats about it for the update. Im going to look for some minoxidil, but it may be difficult to find in Cuzco, Peru.


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the very first day I had a headache and nutache, but aside from that no. Then again, it doesnt seem to really be doing much for my hair either. Maybe I have a little less libido, like I can only go two times with a girl in a single night instead of more...but that seems like a pretty weak case for sides.


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You are no NW3, unless your hair looks a LOT worse in normal day light. You're a NW2, at worst. Keep it going, looking good so far.


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Ok, I gave up on finasteride two months ago. I gave it a year and a half with little results. Loss does not seem to have accelerated while off finasteride, and yes, I can still get a hard on. Hair has gotten much worse. I cant take pics, but I now only have a maybe two inch strip of hair in the front (temples went back alot, and the baldness encroached towards the center from there. I can still fix my hair up to where it looks pretty normal, but definitely dred whats going to happen after my next haircut. I think that when I get back to the states I will consider what hair transplant options are viable for me, as I will be going back to school and dont want to be the 23 year old guy, that looks 28, but is hanging out with 20 year olds.