Very Confused Whether Abstinence Actually Decreases Hair Loss Or Increases It?

Cowboys fan

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Very true. male pattern baldness is very complex and inconsistent. Also, NoFap is a cult. Not jerking off will not make you superman. If anything, regular ejaculation actually helps your prostate.
Very true. male pattern baldness is very complex and inconsistent. Also, NoFap is a cult. Not jerking off will not make you superman. If anything, regular ejaculation actually helps your prostate.
Jerk off as.much as.u want. me. your prostate will not thank u when u get passed 50. I speak.from experience

Cowboys fan

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All I'm saying is moderation. .I've had 2prostate surgery s and need a 3rd I wish someone would have given advice when I was your age and saying no fap is a.cult isn't to bright. To each his.own

Cue Bald

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lol the fact that people believe that nofap helps hair loss (or does anything even), really shows that desparate baldies really will believe any old utter sh*t. jesus wept some people are DUMB.


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lol the fact that people believe that nofap helps hair loss (or does anything even), really shows that desparate baldies really will believe any old utter sh*t. jesus wept some people are DUMB.

At least someone has their head on straight.


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You may think it's negligible. Others do not it's.not mandatory u read or respond to it. Just move on to the next thread. Good luck

It IS negligible. There is not even a method of action that could for anything close to a proper prediction. This Nofap thing is going too far. Sure, I believe that watching too much p**rn can desentisize you for actual sex and sure, I believe stimulating your reward system this way can have negative effects on other parts of your life. Both make sense from a scientific point of view. That it will stop hair loss does not. AT ALL.


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It IS negligible. There is not even a method of action that could for anything close to a proper prediction. This Nofap thing is going too far. Sure, I believe that watching too much p*rn can desentisize you for actual sex and sure, I believe stimulating your reward system this way can have negative effects on other parts of your life. Both make sense from a scientific point of view. That it will stop hair loss does not. AT ALL.

Agreed. Any effect on DHT levels isn't long enough to make a significant difference with hair loss.


My Regimen
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How long have you been taking it?
1 year now. Actually my doctor prescribed me zinc supplements along finasteride as well. It probably subsided the low sex drive effect and made me horny most of the time even on finasteride from the beginning but hairline thinning somehow got very fast on zinc and made my hair limpy and dead, I was dosing 20mg of zinc daily. My scalp also had itching due to it not sure though if it was due to zinc but soon as I quit zinc supplement thinning got way slow like it used to be before starting finasteride and hair seems much better than before but now I get very less amount of random erections and hardly any morning woods and I rarely watch p**rn now as I don't feel much urge anymore. I even went on nofap for more than 30 days and still couldn't get and random erections and morning woods but yes upon engaging into the act I get hard easily.


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It's not a f*****g cult, I can tell you that 1st hand. The benefits are actually real, even with me being a skeptic. After 14 days of abstaining from fapping/ too much internet, I felt like a person again.

Sure there might be some benefits for you mental health if you look at a dopamine level. There are however ZERO reasons to think it might help hair loss in ANY way whatsoever.


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Fair enough,

I suppose my next proposition will be as bizzare as the first. What do you think of the idea of a Diy Hair transplant? I have a artistic background, wondering with the appropriate material if I could pull it off.

Obviously a sterile environment would be ideal, I've seen all the materials needed for no more than 650 bucks.

100grafts a week starting in the 3/4follicle tier zone forward.

I know this sounds absolutely obsured, however, I think with patience & a solid month of studying a conceptualize video of removing follicles safely; it could yield great results.


I am going to pretend that this post never happened, just so I can sleep tonight.

g.i joey

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If a drug thats used to keep your hair LOWERS your sex drive.. it wouldnt be too farfetched that abstaining from sex/masturbation may slow the speed of male pattern baldness

either way i have no f*****g clue what im tlaking about, just tried to make some sort of correlation


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If a drug thats used to keep your hair LOWERS your sex drive.. it wouldnt be too farfetched that abstaining from sex/masturbation may slow the speed of male pattern baldness

either way i have no f*****g clue what im tlaking about, just tried to make some sort of correlation

Nothing drops my sex drive more than thinking about the vagina of my grandmother.

Gues I have found my cure!