Vellus hair


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Hi, I've been taking 1/4 Proscar daily for about 7 weeks now. My hair still sheds like it has for the last 2 years though. For the past few weeks I've noticed vellus hairs growing in on my temples. This is the first time hair on temples for about a year. Will these babies stay vellus or thicken up into mature hairs later on?



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They could stay, or just shed at a certain point, and regrow stronger. Atleast that's what I've read in these forums.


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it's hard to tell

in my case, those vellus hairs did become terminal, but it took 9-10 months AFTER they first appeared.

i'm on foam now, and a lot of those type of vellus hairs filled in. only time will tell if those will become terminal as well.

propecia will thicken your hair over time, it's so gradual that you need to take pics to really notice it.


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From my own experience over these last years it appears that vellus does a combination of things:

  • Nothing, and just sits there teasing you
    Sits there for up to a year then suddenly starts to grow and becomes thick and terminal
    Falls out, then regrows as a terminal hair :woot:
    Falls out, never to return :(

I've noticed all of this happening to me at least, and the most positive thing about vellus is that at least there is a hair folicle there which means that treatment may be able to restore it. I don't think the timer where hair is lost forever starts until there is no hair whatsoever.


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Well I've been looking in the mirror about 10 times daily for the best week. The vellus hairs are growing all across my hairline. I noticed these baby hairs growing in the center of my hairline as well. I found an old picture of myself from 5 years ago when I used to spike up my hair and noticed that my temples were receding noticeably. Funny I didn't really think of it much back then because well, my hair was quite thick in all regions and I wasn't shedding like crazy. The vellus hair I have now is filling up those areas that were receding 5 years ago. The vellus hairs are filling up in a diffuse way, I'd say about 30% of the temples are getting filled up.

I might decide to jump on minoxidil in a few months, if the baby hairs stay. I guess time will tell. It would be nice to feel confident enough to leave the house without wearing one of my hats from my hat collection.

Babies please go terminal on me!


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I became a little obsessed with the vellus growth for quite a while; every time you passed a mirror you just gotta check them :)


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I've been looking at foam, but I don't think they do a womens one.


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From my experience, the vellus hairs seem to grow far slower than the non-affected hair. For about 5 months, it's almost seemed like they haven't budged, but I think they are growing just verrrry slowly.