Vellus and Terminal Hairs


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With successful treatment, do the vellus (the short thin) hairs grow up to be the big strong terminal hairs they once were? Is that what the DHT inhibitors and topicals are supposed to do in time?

I can see a whole bunch of vellus hairs (not quite an army, but maybe a couple of regiments) in certain thin areas and want to coax them to get bigger and stronger (I just started 1/4 Proscar, Rogaine, and Tricomin). On your feet, soldiers!


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nooc said:
With successful treatment, do the vellus (the short thin) hairs grow up to be the big strong terminal hairs they once were? Is that what the DHT inhibitors and topicals are supposed to do in time?

I can see a whole bunch of vellus hairs (not quite an army, but maybe a couple of regiments) in certain thin areas and want to coax them to get bigger and stronger (I just started 1/4 Proscar, Rogaine, and Tricomin). On your feet, soldiers!
I've posted the same question numerous times but appearantly no one has indeed regrown those vellus hairs. I have a fuzzy head but its useless untill its all adult size hairs.


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:) Posted it earlier; most people said it's a good sign.
As for my personal experience, I think that yes, these vellus hairs seem to become stronger and darker.

I don't know if they will look like they once did, in fact I doubt it, maybe a percentage of them will do.
Nevertheless; I am growing theses hairs, and they seem to become stronger and stronger. point.

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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IMHO if the vellus hairs are the result of a hair treatment, it is a good sign. But the vellus hairs appears in hairy areas it is a bad sign.



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they grow in areas where I apply minoxidil / eg. in areas, where I am thinning.
I haven't discovered them on the sides or areas where I don't apply minoxidil.

Why is it a bad sign?


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Unfortunately many treatments seem able to grow vellus hairs, but hardly any are effective at consistently changing them to full length hair again. Maybe the DHT damage is just too much and cant be reversed.


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dont' get me wrong; these hairs are becoming more and more visible.
One month ago, they didn't look like they do now. And I got them after 10 monts of 2% minoxidil.
I'll switch to 5% now.

I'll post my results.... :)

We'll see if that does make any difference!


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The vellus hairs I have noticed are on my temples where I have thinned the most. I do apply Rogaine and Tricomin on those areas twice a day each (with 1/4 Proscar every two days and no sexual side effects - yet). The vellus hairs there do appear to be getting a little bit stronger.

I don't expect all vellus hairs to become big and strong terminal hairs, but if they remain consistent and plentiful, it would be a nice way to disguise my diffuse thinning (black hair on a white scalp is brutal).

BTW, thickening shampoo? What a great idea. I had never considered them before. I just bought L'Oreal Vive Thickening shampoo for Men. After one wash and after my hair dried, I thought to myself "what thinning"? It's pretty good schtick.


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nooc, first, welcome to this discussion forum:)

The type of treatment that I use has helped vellus hairs to pigment and spring to life. From what I understand, finasteride, minoxidil and other treatments as well do this over time.


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Sorry Greg1, what was your treatment? The finasteride & minoxidil?

And yes, I am willing to stick this out over time. It took years for the thinning to occur, so I certainly don't expect an overnight solution. Things take time.


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nooc, I've been using the LC which uses LLLT for almost the last three years. It sure sounds like you've got a good attitude about your hairloss.