Various Symptoms and I have Questions


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I started losing hair 6 months ago and its gotten real bad already, around the vertex and top portion, luckily my front is not affected.

Im still trying to figure out if this was from my crash dieting or if its male pattern baldness. But everytime I run my fingers through my hair, the roots of my hair hurt, has anyone else had this pain in their scalp? also, my eyebrow hairs are shedding as well, is this male pattern baldness?

any info would be nice.


can anyone link me to pictures of people who lose hairloss due to dieting.


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Its going to be hard to tell without you posting some pictures Im afraid. Is there male pattern baldness in your family? What "pattern" has your hairloss taken or is it diffuse? Can you relate yourself to the Norwood scale?


Established Member
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Ya, check to see if you have lost hairs on the sides and back of your head as well.

What kind of dieting are you speaking of? For weight loss or weight gain?


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incubusor said:
Ya, check to see if you have lost hairs on the sides and back of your head as well.

What kind of dieting are you speaking of? For weight loss or weight gain?

I lost 165 pounds in a year and a half


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Britannia said:
Its going to be hard to tell without you posting some pictures Im afraid. Is there male pattern baldness in your family? What "pattern" has your hairloss taken or is it diffuse? Can you relate yourself to the Norwood scale?

its infront of the vertex and goes up, its no patch, just kinda thin.

my hair is long and thick, so you cant notice it until its wet, I want to cut my hair, but it worries me


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I know that loosing hairs on the outer portion of the eyebrows can be a symptom of a thyroid disorder. You might wanna check that out. Theres plenty of websites just search for "thyroid symptoms".


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indyfan said:
Britannia said:
Its going to be hard to tell without you posting some pictures Im afraid. Is there male pattern baldness in your family? What "pattern" has your hairloss taken or is it diffuse? Can you relate yourself to the Norwood scale?

its infront of the vertex and goes up, its no patch, just kinda thin.

my hair is long and thick, so you cant notice it until its wet, I want to cut my hair, but it worries me

You def. need to go to the Doctor and have some blood work done. Crash dieting can be the culprit for your hair loss, you'll know for sure in a few months if your hair starts growing back.


Senior Member
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To be honest it doesnt sound like male pattern baldness. If your hairloss is really noticable when your hair is wet, if you cut your hair shorter this effect vanishes.