Using dutasteride for about a year, thinking of adding in finastride


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Hi there,

I have been using dutasteride for about a year. Combined with rogain liquid and in the last few months i've dropped the liquid for minoxidil foam and a few weeks ago have started to use topicl spironolactone 5% cream.

I haven't noticed a huge deal of increased hair but i'm sure my hair is in a better condition than last year.

From reading a few articles recently my understanding is that dutasteride reduces both types of dht whilst finastride only inhibits type 2.

From the studies there were suggesting that finestride may inhibit type 2 dht better than dutasteride and this may be of importance when combating hair loss.

This being said i am thinking of adding in finastride to my routine.

Have others done this?

Alternate days between the two?

WHat sort of dosages should i consider? I understand that dutasteride doesn't need to be batken everyday, but what about finastride?

How much does finastride cost?

Thoughts and comments much appreciated



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A FEW posters have actually reported better results from combining the two, but there is no evidence or data to support those results. In fact, the strongest argument is that it would be pointless (or in our cases, counter-productive).

You must have misinterpreted the data relating to the Type II inhibition, since the opposite is in fact the case. However, all of this does not lead me to the absolute conclusion that combining the two can't be better. It's possible - there just isn't any evidence to support it. That's why I'd stick to the recommendation of just taking the dutasteride every day so you don't risk losing any ground.

If I were just starting out on internals though, I would be much more willing to experiment with combining them. I would try something like dutasteride MWF and finasteride on the others. And yes, substituting finasteride in there would certainly make things cheaper.

However, in your case, you are better off just making sure you're getting genuine stuff and sticking to your current dosage/schedule. Ride this out for another year and then, if you have not seen ANY benefit (which is not likely, unless you have the most aggressive male pattern baldness known to man) you could experiment with a combo.