Using a estrogen inhibitor along with dutasteride hinder results?


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Do you guys think using a estrogen inhibitor with dutasteride would hinder results? I want to use this product called AIMF thats gets nothing but praise at

Its natural and works just as good or better then the synthetic drugs to lower estrogen. 1 pump per day reduces mostly estradiol ( bad estrogen ) by about 60-80%, and raises testosterone by about 40%. Do you think this would hinder any results i might get from Dutasteride on my hair? dutasteride was working fast and good but i was getting a really bloated face, and feeling pretty tired and sore joints after physical work, so it must be because of the increase in estrogen. I feel that the increase in estrogen was taking over the increase in testosterone and the benifits of it.

What do you guys think?


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Re: Using a estrogen inhibitor along with dutasteride hinder results

stax said:
Do you guys think using a estrogen inhibitor with dutasteride would hinder results? I want to use this product called AIMF thats gets nothing but praise at

Its natural and works just as good or better then the synthetic drugs to lower estrogen. 1 pump per day reduces mostly estradiol ( bad estrogen ) by about 60-80%, and raises testosterone by about 40%. Do you think this would hinder any results i might get from Dutasteride on my hair? dutasteride was working fast and good but i was getting a really bloated face, and feeling pretty tired and sore joints after physical work, so it must be because of the increase in estrogen. I feel that the increase in estrogen was taking over the increase in testosterone and the benifits of it.

What do you guys think?

I don't know. I'm interested in experimenting, since I don't like some fat I discovered on my chest. I'd just not use too much, maybe a smaller dose. I'll also add 160mg of Beta Sitosterol to each of my spironolactone mixtures, to hopefully keep the estrogen where it is needed most.

Your brain needs estrogen, but I doubt inhibiting 30% would be bad, especially for someone showing signs of having too much alread.


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stack, would you post a link to the product. It is not on the main page, and the search feature on the site does not work. I think people could tell you a lot more if they saw the product.


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Sorry for the late response.

here's a thread about AIMF ... p?t=504230

Here's the direct product link ... 6475f54778

Now, would using one pump of this per day even have any effect on my hair if taking dutasteride? I guess i dont have a choice and i dont think a bit more testosterone would make a difference personally, i also use Proxiphen at night and that has some spironolactone in it. I simply cant tolerate that puffy face crap and ive tested it time and time again and dutasteride and finasteride do this to me, and when off my face isnt bloated anymore. I get my AIMF this week hopefully so i'll update you guys. I'll take advantage of the testosterone increase and lift weights.


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stax did you ever get to read my request to you many months back.

I want your opinion on various products you have used and how you rank them.


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it seems most people agree estrogen has some effect on hair loss. But Bryan says estrogen fights the activity of DHT, and others have talked about good and bad estrogens, and weaker phytoestrogens blocking the stronger bad ones. Maybe that is just for gyno. Where did you hear about good and bad estrogens? There are a few sights that where brought up earlier that Bryan dismissed.

I'd like to find out just want that estrogen blocker stuff is, before I buy a bottle of pills that could have anything in it. It might be real though if it stops gyno. I just wonder if bad estrogens are bad for gyno or also bad for hair.


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Tech, no i didnt, and wont be posting on the boards anymore either.

In a nutshell, i dropped all the crazy products i used after one month of a crazy hassle and realizing what i retard i was being, and for the past 3 months i was only using dutasteride EOD basically. I even stopped using minoxidil and Proxiphen for 2 months cause i just didnt bother to re-order.

dutasteride alone in that time period gave me better results than all that crap i was putting on my head in the past. I got thicker hair all over, new hairs all over, like more hairs growing out of the same root, regrowth and some terminal hairs at the hairline. Im about norwood 1.5, and i can see little black hairs all in the norwood 0 area that will be going terminal gauranteed. This drug is really powerfull. I havent been on it for 2 weeks due to some side effects, but im going to restart it with some AIMF ( natural estrogen reducer ), and Milk Thistle for liver protection as dutasteride gave me some abdoninal pain, blaoted face,ect.

I just re-orderd minoxidil foam and Proxiphen so im going to use minoxidil Foam twice per day and Proxiphen at night just to be safe. Restarting those along with dutasteride will surely bring even better results!!!

So in a nutshell my advice to all you crazy people because i used to be one myself, use finasteride or dutasteride, and minoxidil twice per day and give it time, and move on with your life!!!!!!!

Catch this sh*t early!!!!!


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collegestudent, ive you actually read the links i posted and all the other thread in the steroids section on that forum, you could see AIMF is not pills, its like a liquid you pump out and rub into your forarm, or top of feet, or shins,ect. It also reduced cortisol which causes you to be more prone to stress if its high. Its a moderation product, it reduces just the right amounts if you use it properly.


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yeah, gyno is definitely a good reason to use this stuff.


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the product does not have andro in it. It has a derivative of andro, just like finasteride is kind of a derivative of testosterone. They take the molecule the enzyme normally works on, and they put a branch on it that makes it stuck in the ezyme, so the enyme is shut down.

Active ingredients:
ATD (1,4,6 androstatriene-3,17-dione), DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
The three major naturally occurring estrogens in women are estradiol, estriol and estrone. From menarche to menopause the primary estrogen is estradiol 17beta. In the body these are all produced from androgens through enzyme action. Estradiol is produced from testosterone and estrone from androstenedione. Estrone is weaker than estradiol, and in post-menopausal women more estrone is present than estradiol.

looks like the ATD inhibits the weakest estrogen, estrone. I thought DHEA is used to make hormones. It is sold at and beyond-a-century for people who lack test or est.

Synthesis of estrogens starts in theca interna cells in the ovary, by the synthesis of androstenedione from cholesterol. Androstenedione is a substance of moderate androgenic activity. This compound crosses the basal membrane into the surrounding granulosa cells, where it is converted to estrone or estradiol, either immediately or through testosterone. The conversion of testosterone to estradiol, and of androstenedione to estrone, is catalyzed by the enzyme aromatase.

can you get 1/3 of a pump, and put it on your nipples?


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Hey collegestudent.

I asked the suppliers of AIMF personally about the product.

AIMF inhibits mostly Estradiol, which is the worst estrogen for a man.

Just use 1-2 pumps per day to places with thin skin and that are vascular. if you want to use long term use 1 pump per day after your gyno is gone.

Apply to the inner forarms, wrists, shins, top of feet, and rotate sites everyday. Also, exfoliate the application site and apply after your shower for the best absorption.
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Wow, this thread is so timely!

I have used nolvadex and aromasin, and overall, noticed how much better my hair was while using them. Now that I'm not using anything, my hair is limp and dead looking.

I also have some peubertal gyno, and will definitely check this product out..


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Intellecturall, were you using finasteride at the same time as nolvadex and aromasin when you noticed your hair was improving?

When you said your hair was looking more limp when you stopped taking nolvadex and aromasin, did you stop taking finasteride too or did you stay on it?


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stax, before you disappear again....Did you drop RU too? Did it work for you.
seems like not.. I am planning to get on it as soon as I am back to the US.


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Ive been a forum lurker for quite awhile, and this thread finally made me register and post. Stax, Im interested in this product as well. Have you tried it yet at all? Also, I looked at the sites you provided, but they dont list any side effects. Ive been experiencing some breast pain, and slight gyno in my right nipple. Ive been on finasteride for almost 5 years now, and now am feeling the pain. I have reduced my dose to .25mg finasteride (quarter propecia) to combat sides. Do you by any chance have any more links that can provide some more information on AIMF? Thanks.