using 2% spironolactone, 5% spironolactone, and 12.5% minoxidil


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Does anybody else use all 3?

Dr Lees instructions say to use the 2% prior to minoxidil, and the 5% after.

Im only using minoxidil in the temples and only in the evening, both spiros morning and night. The 2% all over and 5% in the temple.

At night am i supposed to apply the 2%, wait a while, apply minoxidil to the temple, and then put the 5% on the temple also?

My hair is looking so bad i would like to apply minoxidil everywhere but want to make sure im doing it right.


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i like how Hoppy posts a picture of two dogs to start a thread, and theres instantly a page and a half of responses . but someone posts a request for help in regards to spironolactone and minoxidil, and it sits here for days..... :dunno:

Personally, I've been using spironolactone in the morning, and minoxidil at night before bed. Might drop the minoxidil though, becuase I only really need to maintain. If that starts to happen i'll just stick with spironolactone. Its only been a week though.