Useless Dr. Visit today


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My Dr. told me, under no uncertain terms, do Beta blockers cause hair loss. This is not what I have read here and elsewhere.

She did not want to perscribe anything that had to do with hair. She focused on my scalp and perscribed a shampoo and steroid topical for my dermititis.

"but that's how my scalp has been for 20 years." I said. Regardless, she seems to think that's whats causing hairloss.
"you bleach your hair?" she asked. Again, I have been doing that most of my adult life.

Never mind I doubled 50-100mg my beta blockers in the last 2 months, the same period for hairloss. nevermind I missed my period and am not pregnant. She didn't even mention rogaine.

So I can't decide if I should follow her advice to the T and lose the rest of my hair to prove a point, or do whatever I can myself, and having her think it's solved with dandruff shampoo.

she said come back in 2 months if it isn't better. If I continue losing at my current rate, I will be stone cold bald.

I also need her referral to see a derm, or anyone else. :-x


Hi Tortelini,

Sorry to hear about your doctor's appointment. The shampoo and topical might help lower the shedding, so don't completely give up hope.

If you feel uncomfortable with the response you got, don't wait 2 months for a referral. Unfortunately she could just be a little inexperienced with hair loss.

You should try and find someone who you trust and have confidence that they will give you pertinant information and a good plan of action for your treatment.

You could also call her up and ask for her input about Rogaine. Maybe she would suggest it to you.

Sorry I am not of much help, but I know how frustrating this ordeal is!
