Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

Hate da Bt

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They are not just starting this work though. They have been doing lab work for years. They even talk about overcoming some of the obstacles that take strenuous lab work to solve. I agree that 2020 sounds almost to good to be true, but I don’t think you can really discount press releases from the company itself on the topic of making advancements with the lab work they are doing. While you may have experience in a lab environment, I don’t think you have the whole picture when it comes to how far along they are, and neither do I. So instead of speculating, and throwing around made up time lines, lets just wait for the timeline they gave us to play out. If it comes to fruition, great. If not, then we can only hope that science is progressing, and that one day soon this goal will be realized.
He didn't speculate. He gave us no timelines.
He explained why the timeline won't most probably be met.
And no matter how much you've worked for it, you can't predict accurately most of the time how long the trials or the intervals between them will take.
Plus, March is approaching and they haven't started recruiting yet.


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He didn't speculate. He gave us no timelines.
He explained why the timeline won't most probably be met.
And no matter how much you've worked for it, you can't predict accurately most of the time how long the trials or the intervals between them will take.
Plus, March is approaching and they haven't started recruiting yet.
Of the things that assume Organ Tech is doing I'm gonna bet that recruiting is gonna be a breeze.

Hate da Bt

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Of the things that assume Organ Tech is doing I'm gonna bet that recruiting is gonna be a breeze.
You missed the point.
If the timeline had been met, recruitment would have already been completed.


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You missed the point.
If the timeline had been met, recruitment would have already been completed.
They don't publish or tell us much, what if the already have done it and just publish it later? Who knows what these crazy bastards are doing for nearly a decade :) We'll see..

Hate da Bt

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They don't publish or tell us much, what if the already have done it and just publish it later? Who knows what these crazy bastards are doing for nearly a decade :) We'll see..
No, they informed us that a preclinical test would commence in July and finish in December 2018, and that they aim at a March/April commence of phase I clinical trial.
They also informed us that until early Feb they hadn't started recruiting people yet.


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If you look on the website for Japanese clinical trials it's not on there yet. So they definitely haven't started recruiting.

My understanding is that they are looking to launch the trials in this quarter, that could mean they look to start recruitment then.
They still haven't publicised anything yet about their pre clinical trials so it's looking quite unlikely that they will start human trials by then.


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they won't. we fall into this same over optimistic trap over and over and over again. with every product. since the early 2000 we get hyped up and hopeful but we have to know by now that most of the time this optimism is not exactly warranted.. it really sucks but seeing people get so hopeful-I was too- but this is just totally unrealistic to be out in the next 4-5 years

I think we've come on leaps and bounds since early 2000's. There's a lot more understanding about cell functions and keeping those functions intact, there's also been impressive advances in cell expansion technology too. They'll only learn more from these trials regardless of outcome.

I don't think they would have commenced pre-clinical without some level of confidence.
But the timelines do seem unrealistic - just seems bizarre to be that optimistic in their own timelines.
Why risk discrediting themselves somewhat?

Hate da Bt

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None of us, or the shitstain Hate da Bt, know what's going on behind the scenes. So until they announce something themselves, then yes everything is speculation.
Their own words are not speculation, loser.
You, people, are so damn pathetic.
I'm already imagining you, specifically, talking sh*t about Tsuji in a month or so.
But they said 2020...
Losers, you never learn. Never, that's why you are at the bottom of the society.
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That's not the point idiot. You said I would talk sh*t about Tsuji in A MONTH because "they said 2020". We are not there yet and neither is the month of May.

Just delete your account and gtfo of here. You are not good for anything.

Hate da Bt

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That's not the point idiot. You said I would talk sh*t about Tsuji in A MONTH because "they said 2020". We are not there yet and neither is the month of May.

Just delete your account and gtfo of here. You are not good for anything.

Don't get bitter, baby, get better.

You lack any knowledge in the biomedical field, whereas I do have plenty.
So, the one who should have shut her mouth up is you, loser.
You definitely bring NOTHING to this subforum, 'cause you are just a miserable person with NO life.
I pity you, b**ch.


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Don't get bitter, baby, get better.

You lack any knowledge in the biomedical field, whereas I do have plenty.
So, the one who should have shut her mouth up is you, loser.
You definitely bring NOTHING to this subforum, 'cause you are just a miserable person with NO life.
I pity you, b**ch.

Yeah, I am sure you have, LMAO. Why not reach out to Tsuji while you're at it? He might need your help and expertise there doctor aka the biggest loser on the internet. The only knowledge you may have is insulting other users on the forum for no reason at all, but even at that you suck. So yeah, like I said, I suggest you delete your account and gtfo of here or just stfu. LOSER.

Hate da Bt

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Yeah, I am sure you have, LMAO. Why not reach out to Tsuji while you're at it? He might need your help and expertise there doctor aka the biggest loser on the internet. The only knowledge you may have is insulting other users on the forum for no reason at all, but even at that you suck. So yeah, like I said, I suggest you delete your account and gtfo of here or just stfu. LOSER.
I am a Doctor.
What are you, b**ch?
A pitiful loser who hates being called what she exactly is.
For the record, I don't call you a loser to insult you, but to alert you, to make you break the loser mold you have let yourself be trapped in.

Armando Jose

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I've been watching to this thread almost since the beginning (particularly because of studying interests) and I would really like to add my two cents after reading all opinions above (I've also registered just several minutes ago exclusively to participate in this thread).
I have some experience working in molecular lab (though I was on team of cancer research, don't want to dive into details) and I'd say that the human trials in 2019 or even 2020 is unrealistically optimistic. With all my respect to Riken and to Dr.Takashi Tsuji, but based on my pretty humble yet experience, I just don't believe nor I can imagine that the work in lab going so rapidly that a lot of calculations were carried out in a moment. I mean, in this field there just too many processes that physically can't go much faster even with extraordinare money support (I would use here the rule from physical chemistry - the reaction rate is determined by the slowest stage. It just describes the situation the best). I assume they use both in vivo/in vitro and in silico studies and you can never predict which subteam (if I may call it like that) will slow down the whole research. I mean, there just so many unpredictable things. Also if they use calculations of moleculas or something (for example finding the most stable conformers, especially organics), it is just extremely slow work itself (not because of humans, but because even modern computers can't handle this work really fast).
In conclusion, I would be extremely happy to see the progress in the closest future and I honestly hope they'll do it, but 2019-2020 human trials sounds too unrealistic for me. Though, need to mention, I believe it will not be too long time of waiting too, even 5-8 years nowadays is a big deal for research. In my opinion the hair cloning will be ready just in time range above.

The real problem is the changing genes during hair cycle, each step has the adecuate gene expresion. There is a lot mechanism involved,...., then my bet is prevention, better than cure.

They don't publish or tell us much, what if the already have done it and just publish it later? Who knows what these crazy bastards are doing for nearly a decade :) We'll see..
It is more easy "create" myocardials/hepatocyte etc cells, nerves, than one hair follicle.

Hate da Bt

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honestly though, the research team is not stupid, I think they surely did take all of this into account when they suggested when and how they want to bring it to market. I do think they have an idea whether it will work in humans this way or not. after all they have been doing research for 10 f*****g years. has anyone here actually read the papers? they obviously talk about this gene expression stuff and I guess they will figure it out
Research teams cannot predict the future.
They set the most optimistic timeline possible. That's it.
Failing to meet this timeline does not equate total failure. It's just a rather expected postponement, actually.


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So One question at all The non-believers here.
When Started The recruiting for Replicel?
When started the trial of Replicel?

Here You Can See The trial:

The Registered date:26/07/2016
So in The Replicel trial The recriutment Phase Wasnt published on The rctportal...

Is there a possibility for not publishing The recruitment Info?