unitedpharmacies+hong kong+ proscar fake?


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I just received my proscar from unitedpharmacies - the proscar is marketed for Hong Kong - I did a google on this and found the following website from the Thailand government:

http://wwwapp1.fda.moph.go.th/drug/eng/ ... unte18.asp

. Lot. No.

Genuine PROSCAR : Lot number compose of 1 printed letter and come after by 4 number such as C1183. The alignment of lot number is arrange in vertical line on the bottom of the blister pack.
Counterfeit PROSCAR : Lot number compose of 2 printed letters, one of them is encircle, and come after by 4 number such as B A5278. The alignment of lot number is arrange in vertical line on the bottom of blister pack.

2. The printed alignment of the alphabet " PROSCAR" and "MSD" on blister pack

Genuine PROSCAR : The written character of the letter is printed in standing manner. The letter is arrange in vertical line of the blister pack. The quality of printed color is very clear, smooth and better than counterfeit.
Counterfeit PROSCAR : The written character of the alphabet is printed in inclined manner. It is arrange in horizontal line of the blister pack. The quality of printed color is not clear and blur.

3. Expiration date on blister pack

Genuine PROSCAR : The declaration of expiration date on the blister pack is complete, such as: 20 Mar 2003
Counterfeit PROSCAR : The declaration of expiration date on blister pack is not complete, such as: Nov 03

"As a result of this investigation, we have concluded that the PROSCAR 5mg tablets returned by MSD Hong Kong and Thailand were not manufactured at MSD Australia but instead are counterfeit material. "

The proscar that I have fails in point 2 & 3...

From the above I have looked at my proscar and I am now worried that I have fake proscar.. What is the feedback on unitedpharmacies and proscar?


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I had always heard good things but maybe this is new and bad news??

My rule of thumb is only buy from companies that sell meds which can obviuosly be seen as fakes immediately.

Such as insulin or heart meds.

People will die if they get fakes in those cases, and then the pharmacy will close. So I figure the other less vital meds will be real or good as well.

Good luck,
Joe (seeing a real Doctor for a real Rx is always a good idea too)

Back In Time

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I wanted to make one thing very clear before everyone gets in a big tizzy over all of this:

This is not a generic drug that doesn't contain what it claims. This is an actual counterfit of a name brand, (Proscar).

The real problem here is, even the reseller (regardless of who they may be) might not know thay are selling a possible fake. (If this is indeed true.)

Also I noticed this when reading that page, take note of the date here:
The packaging batch number embossed on the returned blister strip is A5278 and is due to expire November 2003. MSD Australia assigned this packaging batch number A5278 to package TIENAM IV 500mg for the Indonesian market.
I'm wondering how old this site is and when that was posted?

Personally I've never ordered from united, nor have I researched them at all, so I can't claim to know much about them.


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I also received the same package as "Bg1." Does counterfeit mean generic Proscar sold as legitimate? Or, does it simply mean that it doesn't contain any active ingredient (finasteride) at all?


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Here's are my Proscar packages (Hong Kong, top) and my previous one (Argentina, bottom). I received both from United Pharmacies. The actual lettering on the pill is much sharper on the Argentina one (see link).



Back In Time

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87david said:
Does counterfeit mean generic Proscar sold as legitimate? Or, does it simply mean that it doesn't contain any active ingredient (finasteride) at all?

All I was trying to make clear in my post above was that if this is indeed fake, this is an attempt by someone to copy the look of the "name brand" drug...not an attempt to try and slip you a generic. (Unless they crushed up Fincar tablets and then tried to press it in a mold to get it to look like Proscar.)

The Fincar (made by Cipla) I order looks nothing like Proscar, the pills arn't that shape, they are in packaging that is properly labeled as Fincar, etc. I just wanted to be clear on that first. I've ordered it more than once and it's been consistant. It's working, so if it isn't legit I'm having a hell of a placebo effect.

As far as what you were sent having any finasteride in it at all, I honestly have no clue.


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All I was trying to make clear in my post above was that if this is indeed fake, this is an attempt by someone to copy the look of the "name brand" drug...not an attempt to try and slip you a generic.

I just want to know whether I should throw it out or not.


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I have received the same package as the above picture - the Thailand government tested the fake proscar and found no active proscar ingredient - maybe users that have bought proscar from reputable pharmacies on prescription can post pictures of pills and packaging so that we can compare the two products.

Does anybody have acces to a lab?


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This was my replacement order from United, my previous one was confiscated by U.S. Customs. Would it do any good to contact United?

On a side note, I find it troubling that the counterfeit Proscar, with identifying packaging traits clearly visible, was discovered as early as 2002. Shouldn't this be common knowledge in the industry by now and therefore other suppliers of Proscar sought?


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Reviving a dead thread...

I bought Proscar while I was in Hong Kong and it still has exactly the same packaging design as shown on the page given above. The differences are that the lot number has changed (H2676); there's no shoddy looking printing on the packaging or the pill itself; and the exp date sounds about right. It also comes with a full leaflet from Merck in both English and Chinese about Proscar.

Has there been any update on this? Is there any chance that these would be fake as well?


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I haven't seen any more reports pertaining to the original subject of this thread. But there are always miscellaneous reports of suspected fake Propecia/Proscar, or their generic forms. Probably the best way, although not absolutely definitive, is just to compare the look and lettering of a genuine pill against a suspected counterfeit one, the same way I did in the pics I posted. Other than that, I don't think there are any other methods to find out for sure, other than simply taking them and seeing if they work. On a side note, for comparison purposes I usually keep a genuine pill from a previous purchase and compare it to a new one.


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I have no way of knowing about all sites, but I very much trust 3 of them. All three sell every type of prescription med I know of.


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been buying from united for sometime....6 months+...finpecia and nizoral 2%...very satisfied with results...there customer service staff is very supportive and repsonds quickly to problems. confident meds were legit b/c of side effects