Underdog"s Story (24 y.o)


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Re: underdogs story (24 y.o)

At least you have the advantage of looking great with a shaved head. If I were to shave my head, it would look ridiculous. :p

Are you thinking of going on any treatments?


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dont take it the wrong way, it might sound gay but ..damn u looked good in the last (bottom) picture... it is a pitty that a guy with your look goes bald...


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Thanks Electron.. I was very self conscious with the shaved head cause I had long hair my whole life. Nice to hear some positive feedback. I think you should try it one day for the experience. I said the same thing as you did before. Plus I still perceive it badly. I'm on Proscar in fifths and Nizoral. I'm not sure minoxidil was doing anything for me and made my hair greasy. I may consider applying it at night.


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rotsen182 said:
dont take it the wrong way, it might sound gay but ..damn u looked good in the last (bottom) picture... it is a pitty that a guy with your look goes bald...

Thanks I guess. Not sure how to take that. I don't really want people seeing my old pics one day and say "Wow you used to be handsome". Anyone else have similar feelings?


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^^Yeah i know :/ But i think you still look like an attractive guy with a shaved head.


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Hard to tell. I've been on Proscar in 5ths for almost a year now. My hair hasn't improved but I haven't been too good at keeping up with the pill everyday. It's helped a bit I can tell in terms of density and the color of my hair has gotten darker for some reason. The hairline is receding very slowly still.


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underdog85 said:
rotsen182 said:
dont take it the wrong way, it might sound gay but ..damn u looked good in the last (bottom) picture... it is a pitty that a guy with your look goes bald...

Thanks I guess. Not sure how to take that. I don't really want people seeing my old pics one day and say "Wow you used to be handsome". Anyone else have similar feelings?

that was a good answer...lol ,, but .. look
ugliness is 1 thing less to worry about u can still be bald and handsome , most of us are just plain ugly....
and bald..


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ahahahha. Usually yes. These pics were mostly taken in Photobooth on my mac so I was just taking snapshots to see how my hair looked. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


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Once again thanks for the comment but I'm not sure how to take that. I'm not so homophobic to be bothered by a flattering comment from a dude but it does kind of bug me to hear "too bad you had to lose your hair". Sucks that hair or lack of it can totally kill someone's appearance. Is hair our best asset? I don't think its mine. But for some reason I can't get rid of the perception that the lack of it may destroy my attractiveness to the opposite sex. Pisses me off. Sorry had to rant.


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Bad days lately.. Hair is grown out again and hard to style over the temples. I have a lot of velus hairs on the hairline.. How can I get them to go terminal. Just started applying rogaine foam.

I hate having the hair long cause things like wind and water make me self conscious. At least I don't have to deal with my parents nagging about my buzzed or shaved head anymroe :(


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let me get this straight... the very last picture in your first post is of you with long hair. then you shaved it and the pictures before the long hair one is of you RIGHT after you shaved it? then you grew it out a bit = the 3rd/4th picture?

just trying to get the timeline of the pictures right. if the long hair picture is right before you shaved it, i have to ask, why did you shave it? :dunno: looked fine with long hair.... once you shave it and try to grow it out, the ugly phase during hair growth only makes you want to shave it again.

take any new pics?