uk propecia


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do you get a private or nhs prescription?

and how much does your propecia/finasteride/proscar cost?


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inhousepharmacy. couldnt get a prescription from my GP. Bought proscar, was relatively cheap. its safe and reliable.


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Ok gonna give you a long story so you and others can learn from my mistakes.

Went for 3 different consultations, one with a GP who was new and relatively inexperienced, she didn't know enough about hair loss to feel comfortable prescribing it so she referred me to a dermatologist. This being the NHS it was 6 weeks before the letter arrived for an appointment with the dermatologist and a further 2 weeks until that appointment came up so took me 8 weeks to see a public dermatologist for a 10 minute chat (stupid NHS). Anyway after saying I had no signs of hair "thinning" (I was in early stages of male pattern baldness) she prescribed me an anti-dandruff shampoo and said that was that. Didn't even look at my hairline. When I asked about Propecia, she, a public dermatologist, said they weren't allowed to prescribe it... Anyways I walked out pissed, never bothered with the dandruff shampoo prescription cause I knew it wouldn't stop male pattern baldness and I had literally just started a different shampoo. Booked a appointment with a private dermatologist for £200 thinking I would finally get my script, I go in for a 20 minute chat with him, he actually looks at my hairline at long last and tells me that there is some early signs of male pattern baldness. I ask him for a Propecia script, "nope" he says, "you're too young", I was 18 at the time. He didn't feel comfortable prescribing it ffs. Told me to get on Nizoral and Minoxidil so so far I had wasted just over 2 months and £200 and got no where.

I start Minoxidil 6 month supply and Nizoral (Further £70), and stay on them for 4 months, continue to lose loads of hair and Minoxidil did nothing but increase hair loss for all the time I was on it. Now I've wasted 6 months, £270 and a lot of hair (gone from like NW1.2-NW2). Finally said **** it to the stupid derms and got some Dutasteride from Pharmacy2Go which is a safe, UK verified online prescription service, the GP's there will prescribe you Propecia if you just say you have male pattern baldness and you're 18+.

Moral of the story is: **** dermatologists, it's the 21st century get your treatments online.

Pricewise, I'm pretty sure you can buy generic finasteride on there for same as anywhere else, very cheap, less than £20 a month, if not then InhousePharmacy are legit too and they definitely sell generic proscar.​


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^ that's a pisstake. Derms don't really know ****, they are so useless! Luckily my Doctor was happy to provide me a private script for finasteride. Why did you jump straight onto dutasteride, I think you would have been still ok on finasteride at nw2?


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^ that's a pisstake. Derms don't really know ****, they are so useless! Luckily my Doctor was happy to provide me a private script for finasteride. Why did you jump straight onto dutasteride, I think you would have been still ok on finasteride at nw2?

All the loss was recent and dutasteride can work a lot better on recent loss than finasteride.


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^ hows your progress?

Only been on dutasteride for 2 weeks so nothing so far, as for the other stuff I started Setipiprant about 3 1/2 weeks ago. Derminator w/licl, Stemoxydine, Adenogen, Green Tea Pill and Castor Oil oral + topical 2 months ago. I have loads of vellus on my hairline, literally the whole hairline down to nw0. I am hoping that if I keep up the regimen I can regrow most of it and maybe all of it back. I have PGE2 in my freezer at the moment and will incorporate it in when I reach a stage where Seti+dutasteride are maintaining my hair, maybe earlier if I feel it can make a difference without any hairs it grows being lost.


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56 tablets for like 212 USD. so 5mg x 56= 280mg. I take 0.625mg a day (studies show 0.5mg is just as effective as 1mg, i take 0.625 because 5/8=0.625)
280/0.625=448 0.625mg tablets (i use a pillcutter) so with 212USD I have more than a year ssupply of finasteride.