Trying To Grow My Hair Long After Having Success With Finasteride.


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I've been on Finasteride and minoxidil for about a year and have been pretty satisfied with the results. I've had a few shedding periods but overall the pictures from the top of my head all seem to have improved.

So I decided to try and grow my hair out long and noticed that my hair on top of my head all seems to be at different lengths. I notice this especially when I brush it. I guess this makes sense, if my regimen is working the "new" hairs would be at a different and shorter life cycle.

My longest hairs would be about 3 inches and the shorter ones being about 1 inch with a lot in between.

Does or has anyone have any experience with this?


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I have no personal experience (yet).

When I looked at a lot of finasteride results I have seen a bunch of guys with thin and short regrowing hairs that stay that way for a long time. Sometimes those hairs eventually grow back to full size when the follicle recovers fully, other times they remain that way indefinitely. I think the follicles that don't fully recover are still being suppressed by DHT just enough to keep them stuck at that middle position. Maybe diet or maybe a stronger suppression of DHT will get those follicles to reach its peak?

My mother has hair that doesn't grow as long as other hair on her head does. Ironically, it's hair in the areas I am losing mine. I am pretty sure I got the gene from my mother not my father.

I think you have to wait until those follicles recover fully before they behave like the surrounding follicles. Maybe some supplements or change in diet can get your hair to grow faster/longer before it moves out of the growing phase?